Hypnosis, Trance, Meditation, and The Rest

Hypnosis . . . nature of the beastie . . .
. . . critical factor bypass, automatic response hypnosis . . .
. . . . . .and subjective experience

Recent discussions at the Hypnosis Technique Exchange regarding waking suggestion for pain control has led into some interesting tangents on the nature of trance, the experience of hypnosis, and whether or not hypnosis is about control or manipulation or free will. Those who regularly read my writing, know that I don’t define hypnosis in the…

Boob Enhancer

Shiny Shiny reports on the Boob Enhancer which is a small device with an LCD that evidently massages and “relaxes” one’s breasts by improving circulation. While this sounds a bit more plausible then the nefarious boob cellphone ring and it is most certainly a lot better than the idiot mother-daughter breast surgery packages, there are…

the “pull my finger” hypnotic induction . . .
. . . Repatterning, Repetition, Unconscious Installation

Being playful at the Hypnosis Technique Exchange, I was feeling impish on the Marknosis list where it was recently asked if repeated viewings of the Richard Bandler Neruohypnotic Repatterning seminar videos might help strengthen the acceptance of the skills that are “unconsciouslly installed” within the stories during the lecture . . . Well, I suppose…

Stage Fright . . . trancework

Lyn Gardner writes in the Guardian Unlimited that not all right on the night. The piece discusses stage fright and how some actors have overcome it . . . of particular interest is Daryl Hannah’s success with hypnosis in overcoming her own stage anxiety. While the article does not intend to, it over simplifies some…

Further Discussion of Compounding Suggestions . . .
. . . behind the curtain . . .

I’ve had a few more questions about my View on Compounding Suggestions thrown this eay and so I’d like to clarify and further muddle the waters a bit . . . these are more thoughts on compounding hypnotic suggestions. The quotes are from random discussion, sorry that the attributions have migrated. I’ve just checked and…

Can’t Find the Feelings . . .
. . . fear and regression hypnotic techniques . . .
. . . . . . and dealing with resistance . . .

I just got back to Taipei from a Spring Break trip with my family so I’ve a ton of email to get through but some thoughts on the Omnigrads post regarding can’t find the fear . . . take what you can and ditch the rest . . . this discussion is intended for experienced…

When the Therapist Over-Empathizes . . .
. . . of detachment in therapeutic relationships

In an interesting discussion on empathy, identification, and symptom transfer . . . one of the discussion participants made the statement that one of the challenges when hypnotizing others is for the hypnotist to make certain he doesn’t hypnotize himself into accepting the suggestions or transferring the client’s problems to himself. Thanks for posting this…