Seiðr, Völva, Trance Shaman

Intimate Ecstatic Dance for Deeper Relationships

Explore how intimate ecstatic dance can strengthen your relationship in this comprehensive guide. Discover emotional, physical, and psychological benefits, learn practical ecstatic dance techniques, and read inspiring case studies of couples who transformed their bonds through movement. Perfect for couples seeking deeper connection and understanding.

Hypnotic Wytchery Pleasure Trance

Dive into the fascinating world of inducing pleasure through trance, blending ancient wytchcraft with modern hypnosis. Explore the scientific and ethical dimensions, uncover traditional and contemporary techniques, and envision the future of transformative pleasure practices. A comprehensive guide to understanding the art, science, and spirituality behind pleasurable trance states.

Tarot Trance Games

Explore the transformative power of Tarot Trance with our comprehensive guide to solo and group tarot trance games. Dive deep into personal growth, creativity, and collective discovery through engaging activities designed to deepen your connection with tarot symbolism and unlock the mysteries of the subconscious. Perfect for practitioners of all levels seeking to enhance their tarot journey.

Unlock the Secrets of Energy Orgasm: Ancient Rituals and Cutting-Edge Tech Revealed!

Unveiling the realms of pleasure and spiritual connection, explore tradi-tional and contemporary systems of achieving energy orgasm. From ancient wisdom to cutting-edge techniques, this comprehensive essay delves into Tantra, Taoism, hypnosis, biohacking, and more. Discover the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding these practices. Join the journey of self-discovery, heightened pleasure, and personal growth through the exploration of energy orgasm.

Feel the Energy Flow: How Spontaneous Qigong Can Boost Your Well-Being

Uncover the profound impact of Spontaneous Qigong as an ecstatic trance practice. Explore its positive psychological, emotional, and social benefits as a contemporary adaptation of automatistic movement and spiritual experiences. Discover how this transformative practice can enhance well-being, foster community, and ignite your spiritual journey. Delve into the techniques, safety considerations, case studies, and more in this comprehensive exploration of Spontaneous Qigong as an empowering practice for mind, body, and soul.

Unlock Your Spiritual Potential: How Hypnotic Techniques Can Deepen Your Connection with the Divine

Unlock the power of hypnosis to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with the divine in a profound way. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the connection between hypnosis and spirituality, the benefits of using hypnotic techniques for personal growth, and precautions to take when incorporating hypnosis into your spiritual practice. Discover the incredible potential of hypnosis to transform your mind and enhance your spiritual journey.

Shake it Off: How Ecstatic Shaking Practices Can Supercharge Your Mental Health and Happiness

Unlock the transformative power of shaking phenomena and trance practices in this extensive essay. Explore the positive psychological, emotional, and social benefits of traditional spiritual rituals and contemporary secular adaptations. Discover the profound effects of shaking experiences in shaker communities, the cultural significance of whirling dervishes, and the theological framework of Pentecostalism. Dive into the ecstatic and transformative aspects of shaking, understanding the psychological and physiological mechanisms behind positive trance experiences. Compare the benefits across different practices and explore their potential for personal growth, self-discovery, and enhanced well-being. Delve into the therapeutic applications of shaking for stress reduction, emotional regulation, and resilience. Finally, explore the relevance of shaking practices in secular contexts and the call for further research in diverse populations. Unleash the power of shaking as a gateway to transcendence and holistic well-being.

Labyrinth Walking Revolution: How This Simple Activity Can Change Your Life!

Discover the surprising benefits of walking a labyrinth! In this comprehensive guide, we explore the top 10 ways that labyrinth walking can help with stress relief, mindfulness, self-reflection, physical exercise, creativity, spiritual connection, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned labyrinth walker or new to the practice, this article will provide valuable insights and tips for incorporating labyrinth walking into your self-care routine. Don’t miss out on the transformative power of this ancient activity – read on to learn more!

Transform Your Life with Active Prayer: Connecting with the Divine in a Direct and Meaningful Way

Unlock the transformative power of active prayer and deepen your connection with the divine. From historical roots to contemporary practice, discover the benefits of focused trance for direct ecstatic experience of the divine in this comprehensive guide. Enhance your spiritual awareness, intuition, and emotional well-being through a variety of practices including meditation, breathwork, ecstatic dance, and visionary art. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seeker, this guide will help you incorporate active prayer into your spiritual practice and connect with the divine in a direct and meaningful way.

Unlock Your Creativity and Joy with Ecstatic Trance Dance

Looking to discover the history and evolution of ecstatic trance dance, and how it can foster community and social connections? This comprehensive guide explores the different types of ecstatic trance practices for social recreational purposes today, such as rave, trance dance/music, and clubbing. Learn about the spiritual and social benefits of ecstatic trance dance, and how it can help you connect with your inner self, transform your life, and unlock your creativity and joy. Join the movement and unleash your inner spirit with ecstatic trance dance!

Seiðr and Ecstasy: Understanding the Relationship between Seiðr and Altered States of Consciousness

Seiðr and Ecstasy:Understanding the Relationship betweenSeiðr and Altered States of Consciousness Seiðr and Altered States of Consciousness Seiðr, the ancient Norse shamanic practice, has experienced a resurgence in modern times, drawing the attention of both historians and spiritual seekers alike. Its use of altered states of consciousness and trance-like states in the pursuit of knowledge,…

Combining Traditional Shapeshifting Practices with Hypnosis for Enhanced Results

Combining Traditional Shapeshifting Practices withHypnosis for Enhanced Results Shapeshifting Practices with Hypnosis for Enhanced Results Combining Ancient Wisdom with Modern Science for Personal Transformation Let me start off by saying it is no coincidence that my Chinese name is a homonym for the Chinese word for werewolf or that I used to sign my emails…

Goetia Tarot Thoughts

Goetia Tarot Thoughts INTRODUCTION TO GOETIA TAROT IN DARKNESS. Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips introduces the Goetia Tarot Deck based upon the Lesser Key of Solomon. This “absolutely beautiful” (yes, I say it over and over because it’s true) deck is by Fabio Listrani and is produced by Lo Scarabeo. Original video at “>…

DREAMWALKING – 11 December 2016 – Free Online Webinar

FREE ONLINE HYPNOSIS WEBINAR DREAMWALKING An Introduction to Experiential Shared Dreams 11 December 2016 : Free Online Webinar free online hypnosis webinar in DREAMWALKING An Introduction to Experiential Shared Dreams Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 11 December 2016 , 10:00amTaipei Time Best Results if You Enter On Time To Avoid Weird LAG Not…

SOMAFERA TRANCESHIFT Webinar Audio Recording and Free Streaming Video

SOMAFERA TRANCESHIFT Specialist Ecstatic Trancework for Martial, Meditative, and Other Means On 19 April 2015, Brian David Phillips conducted an online workshop on SOMAFERA TRANCESHIFT: Specialist Ecstatic Trancework for Martial, Meditative, and Other Means (Berserkergang, Ghost Shirts, Boxers, & More) in an Open and Frank Discussion) via online webinar chat. In the SOMAFERA TRANCEWORK seminar,…