Training . . .
. . . how to know if a trainer is appropriate for you

A bit on how to know if your hypnosis trainer is appropriate for you.

As to training, ask about specific trainers and do searches for comments about the person that are not just testimony on that person’s site. Watch for promotional material that seems to be filled more with hyperbole and promotion than with actual information that is clear and concise. A number of trainers today have learned to create false testimony or to delete negative comments from their own forums (or not even let it be posted).

Organizationally, there are actually a few good ones but most still have some problems in balancing between wanting to make money by getting membership and providing solid training that leads to competence in the skills.

There are some trainers who are very good and who have very fine reputations and you will find good folks in many of the various organizations but don’t chose your organization based only on the trainer or your trainer based only on the organization.

I have respect for a number of trainers who have reputations for very strong hypnosis instruction and I’ve found them to be forthright and honest and you will find a LOT of experienced hypnotists who trained with others who have publicly stated that their experience of certain trainers have been very positive. However, these folks may or may not be the appropriate trainers for your needs . . . you need to see if their public persona and outside testimony resonates with you.

Obviously, I also strongly reccommend my own training program which is certainly the best on the entire planet, no, in the entire universe, nay even the entire whole of all the histories of all the universes within the multiverse of multiverses but I may perhaps be somewhat biased. In any case, as I am in Taiwan it’s not as practical for many folks to attend a training who are not based in Asia.

Honestly, you will find reccomemendations for this or that person that say this or that training is the best . . . but it may have been the best for the person making the statements but it may not be the best for you.

You need to look at a lot of factors . . . however, I would encourage you to drop the idea of holding off on initial training . . . find someone whose training seems to resonate with you (well, at least someone whose public statements and the like resonate with you who has testimony by folks who seem to have been enabled to do the sort of things you wish to be doing) and take the training . . . heck, even watch some videos (there are some home study programs that are excellent and a few folks have some very worthwhile introductory products available) or read a number of books . . . and . . . here is the KEY . . . actually put what you learn into practice, practice, practice. Hypnotize your husband, hypnotize your friends, hypnotize strangers on the street, heck, if need-be hypnotize your dog and your cat and your uncle’s nephew’s niece’s pet hamster . . . don’t just learn ABOUT hypnosis, actually get out there and DO it. That’s how to install the skills and that’s how to learn. If you fail with someone, think about why and what and go out and do some more.

Once you get started, you will realize that your initial training is only that . . . whatever it is . . . initial . . . never stop learning, never stop reading, never stop stealing new ideas, er, borrowing, er, incorporating new methods and ideas into your process. Improve and practice and practice and improve.

Heck . . . if you’ve never done it, go to the archives of the group, take down the Elman induction and zap someone today (albeit, remember your emerging patter).

All the best,