Unmotivated Hypnosis Clients . . .
. . . there is no magick wand

After trying every trick she can think of, Renée Stephens has found her answer to the question “How much we can help someone without motivation?.” Her answer . . .

After trying my darndest, and pulling out all sorts of fancy techniques, I have concluded that there is a base level of motivation that the client must have, or there is nothing that can be done. The clients that think that they can simply pay me and have me make the changes for them magically are the ones who are unlikely to get what they want. As we know, I can’t “fix” them.

Renée specializes in weighloss hypnosis so she would naturally run across some rather intractible individuals every once in awhile.

No magick, while hypnosis may sometimes seem like magick, you still have to want the change and be willing to do what it takes to have that change happen. Focused trance, NLP, and hypnosis are all wonderful . . . but they still require committment to change.

Of course, a good friend of mine reminds me that while we need clients to be motivated to change, we do have motivational techniques in our bag of tricks, especially the folks doing NLPish things. However, even those aren’t completely magickal.

All the best,