Hypnosis, Trance, Meditation, and The Rest

When Instant Hypnosis Inductions fall Flat . . .

I recently received a private message via my myspace profile at http://www.myspace.com/briandavidphillips which I answered personally but the question is such a good one that I thought I would share my response here as others may have had similar experiences (I’ve removed the querant’s identity here). “…i just wanted to tell you i have tried…

Great News! New Chinese Features!

Here is some GREAT news!  For those who have been asking for it . . . There are now all new Chinese pages online for my webpages at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com . . . please pass it on!  More to come. This means folks can now get the latest Comedy HYPNOSIS Show as well as Hypnosis Seminar…

Speed Hypnosis . . . gentle approach

Brian David Phillips demonstrates a soft and gentle rapid hypnosis induction . . . from full waking state to hypnosis in less than one minute. See http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details as well as course information. Many folks, including a number "fully trained" hypnotists think of rapid and instant hypnosis techniques as requiring shakes, jerks, and loud…

Performance Hypnosis . . .
. . . theatre, dance, music, sports, and more

I was asked about performance hypnosis on my myspace . . . specifically using hypnosis to help actresses and dancers but also general performance issues. As folks know, I have undergraduate and graduate degrees in acting . . . so, performance is one of my great loves . . . I absolutely LOVE being in…

Speed Hypnosis . . .
. . . . really fast quick inductions . . .

There is a discussion at the moment at the Hypnosis Technique Exchange on when and where and how to use fast quick inductions. A question was asked from someone who has seen a lot of videos on the internet of people doing fast hypnosis indcutions . . . similar to the ones I have posted…

Street Hypnosis and Other Hypnotic Goings On . . .

For those who have asked . . . the street hypnosis gig went well. It was truly weird doing street hypnosis in a venue with music from live bands blaring all around . . . in all honesty, it was NOT really the right venue for the sort of things expected and the organization of…

Tarot Trance . . . clarifications . . .

Some more clarification on my post about Tarot Trance. Dr. Phillips, that sounds fascinating . . . but . . . I don’t know all that tarotish mumbojumbo and card meaning stuffs and really am not enough patience to learn them I guess I was not clear enough . . . the Tarot Trance processes…

Tarot Trance . . . synchronicity draws

Cross-posting from TarotL and the Hypnosis Technique Exchange as this may be of interest to folks here as well . . . I’m a big fan of Tarot cards as a tool for introspective meditation rather than divinaroty readings . . . the cards are just so rich in archetyes and other fodder for meaningful…

Appropriate Inductions for Different Personalities

On the Marknosis list, there has recently been a bit of discussion regarding personality types and induction styles. One person posted that he read somewhere that someone was in a hypnosis class in China where they did not teach the Elman induction because they claimed it was not appropriate for Chinese people. Hmm. I wish…

Hypnoanalysis . . .
. . . a query with some thoughts

On one of my asundry email lists regarding the mind, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, and the like, there was a query regarding hypnoanalysis. Here are my replies sandwiched together for those with similar questions. Can anybody recommend hypnoanalysis books/whatever from where a newbie in the area can start? This will partly depend upon what you mean…

Demonstrating Hypnotic Pain Relief Techniques

Recently in my neck of the woods (Taiwan), there’s been quite a bit of public controversy regarding the public demonstration of hypnotic pain relief. I posted a bit on the subject at the Hypnosis Technique Exchange with my take on Demonstrating Hypnotic Pain Relief Techniques. A hypnotist appeared on television here and was demonstrating hypnosis.…