Hypnosis in the News

Hypnosis Reduces Pain Perception

Intersting news on a study that shows yypnosis reduces pain perception . . . Hypnosis can offer significant reduction in pain awareness without any effect on non-painful aspects of the subject’s perception. It therefore is most effective in altering perception of acute pain, experts reported at the European Neurological Society Meeting in Rhodos (Greece). The…

Hypnotic Histories . . .

The Gulf Daily News has a short piece with some history bits about hypnosis Myth and Mystery of Hypnotherapy which has a rather interesting quote from Sigmund Freud’s Hypnosis, circa 1891 . . . "There is no doubt that the field of hypnotic treatment is far more extensive than that of other methods of treating…

Smoking: A taxing habit

As of July 1, the taxes for cigarettes in Tennessee so smokers in that state are finding Smoking: A Taxing Habit indeed, to the point that many are now seeking workable alternatives to help them kick the habit. Anyone who has even glanced at this blog knows that hypnosis is one of the more effective…

Dan Gilbert and The (misguided) Pursuit of Happiness

Dan Gilbert presents a delightful short lecture on happiness and synthetic happiness. In this memorable talk, Dan Gilbert demonstrates just how poor we humans are at predicting (or understanding) what will make us happy. Gilbert is a psychology professor at Harvard University where he does all sorts of nifty stuff in the study of happiness…

Karoshi fears in Taiwan

Karoshi is here and it’s not likely to go away anytime soon. Karoshi is the Japanese term for death by overwork and many Taiwanese now have a fear that they will die in just this way . . . majority of workers fear death from stress, fatigue . . . seventy-four percent of Taiwanese fear…

NLP and Language Learning

For those of you in Taiwan . . . on Thursday, March 15, I will be presenting on "Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques for Language Learners: Interdisciplinary Strategies for Affective Links in Learning" at the 2007 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics hosted by Ming Chuan University (at the Taoyuan campus). My session is…

What Is Hypnosis?

WNBC has a brief video and article on . . . What Is Hypnosis? . . . up and ready to read. It’s quite short but worth a peek. Straightforward. Not my definition of hypnosis but one that works for many. Note that there is no implication of priority for certain folks practicing hypnosis, just…

teenagers can beat blues with hypnosis

Well, it should be obvious but it’s nice to see their results fit reality . . . Teenagers ‘can beat blues with hypnosis’ . . . Teenagers struggling with anxiety and depression can help beat the problems with self-hypnosis, a new study claims. Youngsters who were taught hypnotherapy also reported increased self-esteem and reduced feelings…

Hypnotic Poker

Been there, done that . . . Hypnotic Poker May Be Key . . . basically, they’re using hypnosis to teach players how to bluff by removing emotional keys. Of course, if they want it to be effective they need to do far more than that. There are a number of skillsets in poker which…