tattoo artist uses hypnosis for pain

Okay, I just never thought about this but now that I’ve seen it, it makes perfect perfect sense . . . tattoo artist uses hypnosis for pain . . . seriously, this guy is doing the right thing with this . . .

An Illinois tattoo studio is using hypnosis to manage the pain customers often feel when getting their tattoos. The DeKalb Daily Chronicle reported on Proton Studios in Cortland, where hypnotherapist Randy Scott puts his customers into a trance so they feel little or no pain. "I feel pressure," said customer Nate Melvin, who was receiving a tattoo on his leg. "I can just tell where’s he’s at. I know he’s touching my skin, but I don’t feel the needle." The Chronicle reported that Scott’s method is said to even relieve pain of customers getting inked in painful places like the ribs, stomach and lower back. In addition to dulling the pain of tattoos, Scott said he is able to relieve the pain of childbirth and of chronic conditions like arthritis and cancer. He said he hopes to go further with practicing hypnosis. "This is a stepping stone," he said. "I don’t just want to be ‘painless tattoo guy.’ Any kind of pain, especially chronic pain, I want to work with."

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan