Hypnosis, Trance, Meditation, and The Rest

Necessary Roughness and Real Therapy

The television series Necessary Roughness features stories involving a woman who is a working psychologist and hypnotherapist who by happenstance begins working with players of a professional football team along with balancing her family life, her divorce, and her other clients. Marc Siegel of the LA Times takes issue with the story in part because…

Happy Birthday Celebration Sale! From now through June 6 save 50% on audio hypnosis sessions!

Folks, I’m getting older! When I say older, I mean really really old. When talking to my students at the university, I will often joke about how things were different when I was younger than they are today . . . “when I was a university student and dinosaurs walked the Earth . . .”…

Psychological Profile Exam Designed to Drive You Insane

While it may seem like someone’s idea of a completely bonkers psychological experiment intended to drive you insane, the Pierley/Redford Dissociative Affect Diagnostic is an odd ride into the unconscious that is an exploration of your brain’s affective response system. Nonverbal emotional reactions to shape tableaus target the portion of your brain that is intuitive…

Andrew Salter on Problem Solving

I have just finished reading one of famed hypnotist, psychologist, and behaviorist Andrew Salter‘s papers from The Conditioning Therapies: the Challenge of Psychotherapy (Leo J. Reyna, Andrew Salter & Joseph Walpe, 1964) and he has a beautiful comment that serves almost as an epiphany of sorts: “I mention my interest in ‘problem-solving’ because years ago…

Installing False Memories

We’ve had a number of discussions over the years related to Memory Replacement Therapy and the purposeful use of hypnosis in False Memory Intallation. Recently, on one of the hypnosis discussion groups on Fetlife, the question was raised on using this sort of technique. Now . . . I’ve absolutely no issue with recreational temporary…

Women’s Tears and Male Arousal States

See http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2011/01/05/science.1198331.abstract for the recent study on women’s tears as linked to chemosignals.  There was a definite difference in the affect of female tears toward men . . . tears of women who were sad had a very different effect than those from women who were happy.  Granted, it’s a small study and needs quite…

Hypnosis Certification via Video Exam

I was recently asked about becoming a certified hypnotist through the Video-Based Hypnosis Certification Exam program offered by the Society of Experiential Trance (http://www.trancesociety.org). The certification by exam program was set up specifically for folks who are already experienced hypnotists who really don’t want to have to go through yet another course for their basic…

Suggestibility as Attribute and Skill and Context-Sensitive Thingie

I meet so many hypnotists who were trained to believe that suggestibility is a cut and dried proposition of a never changing characteristic that never varies for an individual throughout their lifetime regardless of age, circumstance, or trance event context. Technically, at least for most people, this belief is on the polar opposite of reality.…

Shiny New Hypnosis in Media Blog

Terry O’Brien has started up a blog reboot of his well-known and much-respected Hypnosis In Media work and it looks very very promising! From Terry: “After much deliberation, I have decided to start blogging about my collection of hypnosis-related material, roughly 250 works of fiction. plus several shelves of non-fiction, myriad movies and TV programs, comics.…

Online Hypnosis Group Mentoring Tutuorials

ONLINEH Y P N O S I STUTORIALS Group Mentorship Chat Sessions (Includes Examination and Certification Fees) Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H. http://www.briandavidphillips.com/training/online.html IMPORTANT COURSE FORMAT The new mentoring tutorials we are beginning to offer are essentially guided self-study programs in which participants are expected to do a great deal of the work and practice…

HYP-NO-SLEEP Eyes-Open Hypnosis Seminar September 25-26!

BY   POPULAR   DEMANDBECAUSE   YOU   ASKED   FOR   IT!http://www.briandavidphillips.com/training/hypnosleep.html   HYP-NO-SLEEPBeyond Hypnosis and NLPEyes Open Suggestion andWaking Hypnosis http://www.briandavidphillips.com/training/hypnosleep.html Sept. 25-26, 2010 Taipei, Taiwan Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillipswww.briandavidphillips.combrian@briandavidphillips.com Certification Training in Neuro-Linguistic Experiential Trance and Experiential Waking Hypnosis http://www.briandavidphillips.com/training/hypnosleep.html Imagine having the confidence and skills to be the sort of person who…

True Love Project Hypnosis and Synchronicity Fun

As regular readers know, I have posted about the wonderfully beautiful THE TRUE LOVE PROJECT (http://thetrueloveproject.com) before (https://briandavidphillips.net/2009/07/the-true-love-project.html). As I just started a group on Engineering Ecstatic Experiences on the Community at http://trancesociety.net/community (it's free, so join it), I was going through some of Zack Seckler's amazing portraits from that truly beautifully executed project (one in which…

Learning to Flow

I recently wrote an essay on how artists can create flow states for enhanced creativity so imagine the synchronicity meter going off when I found a link to this beautifully constructed essay on the same such thing.  See Learning to Flow from Zero Paralax at http://zeroparallax.com/blog/2010/04/learning-to-flow/ and enjoy. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post…

eXperiential Trance Community now OPEN!

Well . . . we've finally done it . . . the Community site is prepped and ready to open its doors. As a member of our extended community, you are invited to join us at http://trancesociety.net/community – there are a number of groups and resources waiting for you there as well as a whole…

Sigil on the eXperiential Hypnocast

In this episode of the eXperiential Hypnocast, I demonstrate a playful yet powerful technique based upon ancient wisdom with a contemporary twist for externalizing internal feelings through the use of sigils, signs, symbols, or glyphs that creates a magickal connection within the changework process. The process uses visualization, focused feeling, kinesthetic and ideomotor effect, and…