Installing False Memories

We’ve had a number of discussions over the years related to Memory Replacement Therapy and the purposeful use of hypnosis in False Memory Intallation.

Recently, on one of the hypnosis discussion groups on Fetlife, the question was raised on using this sort of technique.

Now . . . I’ve absolutely no issue with recreational temporary memory replacement (assuming one knows enough to install failsafes and the like so that one does not damage the core personality construct) and identity replacement can be a lot of fun in that respect as well.

However, despite there being a few excellent therapeutic approaches to this work (Milton Erickson’s February Man comes to mind, although even that has been inappropriately adapted by some folks for unscrupulous approaches to trance – derivative patterns like The October Man are sometimes used inappropriately, for instance . . . although when consensually applied can be wonderfully effective), there are still a whole slew of caveats one must hold on to when doing memory work . . . particularly memory tampering such as installing false memories or replacing personalities. We’re talking memory erasure or core manipulation without appropriate therapeutic handholds here.

Some folks seem to think hypnosis is so powerful that one can merely suggest a memory or trauma or deep-seated compulsion away. These folks are incorrect as one must deal with underlying drivers for such things or cognitive dissonance results.

I’m not going to repeat years worth of posts here but instead will refer to a number of previous essays. Since the blog still has not been cleaned up since my exporting it to this new server so the links within certain posts are still wonkie . . . honestly, I probably won’t even bother editing things and fixing broken links until we make the final move to our main server after all the testing and setups are done . . . so, for now, here’s a quick list of links to our various memory replacement and false memory essays and posts for your convenience.

Now, keep in mind that all this does not mean that memory work is not appropriate for certain contexts, even playful recreation. However, it does mean that one needs to dot those t’s and cross those i’s when doing the work.

All the best,