Hypnosis, Trance, Meditation, and The Rest

Triple Certification at Redondo Beach, Aug. 15-17

Today's question comes in via email.  In regard to the recent notice on Massive Hypnosis Certification Opportunities in relation to the upcoming three-days of hypnosis events I will be conducting (Walkabout Trance Beach Resort Getaway and Erotic Hypnosis eXperience) at beautiful Redondo Beach in sunny California (see the post here) . . . I received a…

Massive Hypnosis Certification Opportunities!

As many of you know . . . the Society of Experiential Trance – http://www.trancesociety.org - is an amazing group focused on hypnosis education that goes well beyond the typical hypnotherapist only group.  The SET is an open-community organization that hosts hypnotists who work in a very wide range of contexts . . . therapy, recreation,…

Vicarious eXperiential Machine Process

Given my long-time position as an Associate Professor at an elite university, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that I’ve done a lot of work in using hypnosis and trance in learning enhancement or skills improvement. One technique I use is what I call the Vicarious eXperiential Machine Process, which is a…

The TRUE LOVE Project

As most regular readers of the Life of Brian blog (https://briandavidphillips.net/) know, I have an intense interest in experiential hypnosis and positive emotional flood states, particularly guiding a trance partner into such wonderfully positive emotional states as ecstasy, bliss, erotic response, and love (see my Engineering eXperiential Ecstasy DVD set - http://www.briandavidphillips.net/store - and my upcoming course…

Fairy Dragon Variations Redux Revisited

The Fairy Dragon or Magick Egg hypnosis process is one of my favorite original processes.  I really get a kick out of running it with folks, particularly those who've never experienced experiential hypnosis before.  It's a nice way to gauge a person's responsiveness and to delight their sensibilities.  It's become quite an international technique for me…

Fairy Dragon Hypnosis

When I taught my Speed Hypnosis Techniques course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in March, among the various techniques I demonstrated was one of my favorites . . . the Magick Egg or Fairy Dragon Hypnosis process. This is truly and experiential process and can be extremely delightful. The process itself was inspired by the classic…

Energy Hypnosis

When hypnosis began to enter into the Western consciousness as a “pseudo-scientific” pursuit, it was tied into Mesmerism which is derived from animal magnetism which has very very similar underlying principles to qigong and the like. When Mesmer was discredited it was not because his cures did not work or because there wasn’t anything to…


Some of my regular readers are already familiar with the Energizer and how it can be used in multiple contexts. The video included with this post comes from a collection on Suggestibility Fun that I created some time ago. The Energizer was originally created within the seduction community but I have adapted it to metaphysical,…

Positive Emotional Flood Accelerator Hypnosis

In the following video clip, I demonstrate a variation of the “Positive Emotional Flood Accelerator” hypnosis induction with the Good Feelings Washthrough Snap taken from a series of videos filmed on June 8 for our Exotic Hypnosis Inductions DVD set. If you can’t see the included video here because you are reading this blog post…

Hypnosis Voodoo Redux Revisited

This comment comes in via the Hypnosis Technique Exchange (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypnosisTechniqueExchange) . . . in regard to the Voodoo Hypnosis Redux post at https://briandavidphillips.net/2009/06/voodoo-hypnosis-redux.html. "Just finished the video and that is a fantastic idea! I loved it. Can't wait for the DVD(s) to come out." It's a lot of fun.  Obviously, the most straightforward adaptation is…

Stupendous Emotional State Flood

Emotions reside within the body but are artifacts of the mind. They can be programmed and they can be surrendered to. One thing that is very interesting to me is how within hypnosis and experiential trance, one can program emotions to flood the system, really flood. This has applications in metaphysical work as well as…

PreSalePSYCHIC HYPNOSISMetaphysical Hypnosis Techniqueshttp://www.briandavidphillips.com/products/psychic.html Video-Based Distance EducationHYPNOSIS CERTIFICATION COURSE538 min. (Six DVDs) This DVD set explains and demonstrates a number of psychic hypnosis metaphysical experiential trance processes through which a hypnotist can guide a trance partner into a variety of experiences employing metaphysical constructs or other experiences for therapeutic, introspective, or recreational contexts.  Go to…

Sophie Nicholls answers questions on Hypnosis

Sophie Nicholls (http://www.sophienicholls.com) answers a number of questions on hypnosis.  This piece is a nice go at a video-based FAQ on hypnosis. Sophie is a delightful person and a well-respected hypnotist, based in the UK.  Sophie is an invited certified instructor with the Society of Experiential Trance (http://www.trancesociety.org) so she does know her stuff. All…

Time is running OUT!

This is just a reminder that the early bird discount pricing for this year's Walkabout Trance Beach Resort Getaway Event is going to be ending very shortly. If you sign up right now you get 20% off the course fees. That's an $80.00 savings! We don't have that many spaces available now so if you've…

Engineering eXperiential Erotic Ecstasy . . . EROTIC HYPNOSIS ExPERIENCE coming to the USA!

Premier Erotic Hypnosis Beach Resort Getaway Eventhttps://briandavidphillips.net/category/eroticatrance/ 17 August 2009 : Redondo Beach, California, USA Engineering eXperiential EcstasyE R O T I CH Y P N O S I SBEACH RESORT GETAWAYhttps://briandavidphillips.net/category/eroticatrance/ A Course inSensual Hypnosis Techniqueshttps://briandavidphillips.net/category/eroticatrance/ Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H.http://www.briandavidphillips.com Includes Unique Experience andSpecialist Certification Program in Erotic Hypnosisbecome aCertified EROTIC Hypnotist For…

LIFETRANCE seminar DVD set now LIVE!

Here we go!  The LIFETRANCE DVD set is now on pre-release sale.  This is the seminar that a LOT of folks have been asking for a DVD program of for years . . . so, we've finally built a good one for you (filmed in India). The seminar covers: Past Life Regression Christos Variation (hypnotic…

Maximizing Your Brain’s Potential During the Recession and Beyond

Srinivasan Pillay writes in the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/srinivasan-pillay/the-science-of-visualizat_b_171340.html) on the advantages of using visualization to help one get through the recession.  This isn't just another fluff piece on positive imagery, this is a brain scientist's take on the benefitst of visualization and the science behind all that fluffery that turns out to be less fluff…

Power of the Imagination

Recent studies may be showing that the mantra of "if you can imagine it, you can experience it" often used by folks who practice hypnosis or eXperiential forms of trance such as the ones I specialize in seems to not go far enough and may be giving way to a new principle that takes it…

Getting Drunk . . . and high . . . and more . . . hypnotically

I had some inquiries of late regarding to the Experiential Ecstasy processes I demonstrated at a recent workshop and how they apply to folks who like to have a good time chemically but who would like to avoid the actual chemicals of getting high or drunk. As many of you know, I have a bit…

Hand Energy Hypnosis

Here is a short video clip of Japanese master hypnotist Red from the "Red Hypnosis DX-9" program. The sequence features an expectancy-based hand energy technique in a hypnosis session. There is no nudity or the like in this clip but the original program features erotic hypnosis, very explicit adult videos, albeit this clip is tame…

This weekend, so contact Lorraine NOW . . .
Engineering Experiential Ecstasy . . .
A Free Experiential Hypnosis Workshop in Emotional Floodgate Techniques

Those of you in my neck of the woods (Taiwan) who are planning on attending the ENGINEERING EXPERIENTIAL ECSTASY Free Hypnosis Workshop this coming Sunday need to make certain you have emailed Lorraine with your contact details so she can get the venue information to you. See the webpage at http://www.briandavidphillips.com/workshops/ecstacy.html for more information on…

The Mentalist does Psychophysiological Mind Reading

I spent the better part of Sunday testing out our new HD camera and shooting video for a program on techniques employing ideomotor effect (also one of my topics for the upcoming Global Hypnosis Summit which you really should be signed up for if you haven't signed up already). I did some muscle testing bits…

Sticky Stick Stuck Stucker Waking Hypnosis in Mumbai

As regular readers of Life of Brian know, I have recently returned from a hypnotrip to India where I taught four hypnosis seminars in Mumbai (Experiential Hypnotherapy and Psychic Hypnosis were the big events while I also did lecture demonstration on Trance Acting and a private workshop in Erotic Hypnosis). As many folks know, I…