Monthly Archives: October 2004

A Haunted Song

A Haunted Song Ten Lines Found Poem Brian Huang A tempting song sung by beautiful ladies, Far and near echoed on the sea, relentlessly. On the sea sailors battered by waves and sounds, As if they ne’er escaped the raging disaster forthcoming. And then a man of wire craftly waxed the crew’s ears, the way…

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa Ten Lines Found Poem Anne Hsui She is the only one in the world, without goodness looks, but with the fame of beauty. She is a myth of myths, an implicit smile evokes a century-long question: Who is the luckiest guy awarded? For what the privilege laid on him? She is a riddle…

Mirage Six

Mirage Six Ten Lines Found Poem Doris Vallejo Time contracts between us across the frigid snow thawed by our heat. Longing swells. Tides of blood thrum in quickening beats. Etched in moonlight we measure silence nimbly spanned in a leap. Tomorrow nothing will remain but frozen prints of paws and feet. [Mirage Six by Boris…

Ten Lines Found

Ten Lines Found refers to a almost-found poetry exercise in which the poet looks at a painting or photograph and quickly writes a ten-line response within five minutes. It is akin to flash poetry. My literature students participate in the activity by way of first examining some poems inspired by great works of art. Then…

Guiding versus Leading in Hypnotic Experiences and Regression

While the Hill Alien Abduction case is an “American” case involving hypnotic regression uncovering an alien abduction, there have recently been a number of media cases here in Taiwan where someone has been doing similar work involving “spirit possession” and the like. The principles of good hypnotic session control should be in place at all…

Nun of the Week

This week’s Nun of the Week from Dr. Omed is strangely compelling stuff. “And we also will be mothers, because…!” Jean-Jacques Lequeu Jean-Jacques Lequeu (1757-1820?) is known chiefly through his donation of drawings and manuscripts to the Bibliotheque Nationale; these included Architecture civile and Nouvelle methode. Duboy suggests that the Lequeu papers may have been…

Taipei Kid gets Cloned

The Taipei Kid has discovered there is a new Taipei Kid in town (note the absence of the “The”) . . . now, we’re just going to end up being more confused. Is it coincidence? Enquiring minds want to know.

Boston University Student Sex Magazine

Adrants . . . Boston University to Launch ‘Boink’ Magazine . . . this one is not funded by the university in the way that Harvard’s H Bomb is . . . although some found that one a bit less than previous hopes. Either way, the trend is now on for university-based student sex magazines…

Ron Jeremy is Goatsed

Lazlo Thoth reports . . . I Goatsed Ron Jeremy . . . the photographs are worth it. Jeremy’s face at the moment of goatseding (word? who cares?) is precious. I believe my own face was pretty much frozen in that same expression for the better part of a day after I too viewed the…


Welcome to our reality . . . Engrish . . . the FAQ has some very good points. We should also be reminded that there are a lot of folks in the West who have tattoos on their body in Chinese that they don’t understand (Britney Spears and her “weird slut” bit come to mind…

Taipei Hypnosis Workshop Meeting . . .
Elman, Rapid, Instant Hypnosis Induction Methods

On 24 Oct. 2004, the Taipei Experimental Hypnosis Workshop will have a meeting. This month’s topic is Elman, Rapid, Instant Hypnosis Inductions. If you live in these parts and would like to join us, contact me. We will meet for the hypnosis study group (English) on Sunday, October 24, from 2 to 6ish in the…

Matt Damon Turns to Hypnosis

Matt Damon is using hypnosis to quit smoking . . . Damon turns to hypnosis: Hollywood star Matt Damon is undergoing hypnotism in a bid to kick his smoking habit. The Bourne Supremacy actor is desperate to quit the 40 cigarettes-a-day habit he has struggled with for 10 years, and is resorting to extreme measures.…

Post-Guccione . . .

Penthouse Magazine without Guccione is like Playboy without Hefner . . . Guccione Gone . . . no, it isn’t . . . Guccione’s empire has fallen into disrepair but it still stands for so much more . . . freedom of speech, truth in journalism, and real honest sex, not manufactured . . .…