Monthly Archives: September 2004

Harrison Ford in 3D

This is interesting . . . Harrison Ford slims down for 3D role . . . just a rumor but as Cameron et al invented the 3D camera system used on the Titanic documentary and for Spy Kids 3D, we’re hopeful. Movie star Harrison Ford is in talks to star in James Cameron’s new epic,…

Taipei Interactive Drama

As posted previously. If you are interested in joining the recreational interactive drama group, feel free to contact me or Michael Cheng so we can add you to the list of folks who would like to play. You can find photos from some of our games (Taipei Interactive Theatre Society) in the same directory as…

Zentai Woman

Fashion meets experimental psychology in the likes of the Zentai Woman. Identity and culture is taken for a spin in this subculture fetish manifestation of the need to become the other and the group. Some of these sites, like Modulus Fashion Lab, concentrate on the fashion elements of creating outfits that eliminate the individual while…

Scary Fashion

Nicole Tran Ba Vang has created some rather disorienting fashion . . . naked people who aren’t naked . . . or . . . let me peel my skin off for you . . . either way, it this is very surreal stuff.

Moving Image Archive

The Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive has some wonderful pieces you can view streaming or download. Check out the Prelinger sets for some time capsule material as well as the Election 2004 pieces. There are plenty of fun pieces in the archives too.

Catching the Sun by the Tail

There will probably be a movie of this . . . it certainly sounds like one . . . Bringing a Piece of the Sun to the Earth . . . they already have the stunt pilots. Of course, in the Hollywood version, the dangers of blowing up the planet or worse . . .…

Literary Penis

The penis has been a source of fascination and inspiration from time immemorial. Literature is filled with references to large penises. Here you will find gathered a number of interesting ones from Terry Pratchett to William Shakespeare and more.

Vintage Paperback Covers

Vintage Paperbacks is a wonderful collection of cover art for old pulp style paperbacks. Some of the artwork is thrilling . . . a lot of it is risque as fits the period. A couple of the novels featured are among my favorites (Philip Jose Farmer’s Flesh among them, albeit I have unfortunately lost my…

Star Trek Goes Digital

This is a bit nifty neat . . . Star Trek Enterprise has gone digital . . . that is, the fourth season of the show is being shot entirely with new high definition digital television equipment with no film stock in use. This means the production can shoot more footage faster and within budget.…

Taiwanese Parents who Kill Their Children with Themselves

Taiwanese parents are three times more likely than Americans to kill their children along with themselves when they commit suicide and Taiwan mothers are twice as likely as fathers to kill their children when they commit suicide. That’s a whole lot of suckfullness. Taiwanese parents are three times more likely than Americans to kill their…

Self Defence with a Cane

Just in case you are ever attacked by an assailant and the only handy weapon you might have is a walking stick . . . read Self Defence with a Cane . . . it just may save your life. Originally published in Pearson’s Magazine, 11 January 1901, 35-44, it’s an interesting time capsule into…

A Porn Trap to Steer Clear of . . .

David Berlind reports in A porn trap to steer clear of that more and more companies or government services are disciplining or firing folks for having porn on their work hard drives. Depending upon the policy of the organization, the penalty may include other actions. Unfortunately, things aren’t as clear-cut as they might seem. Often…

Hong Kong Photos Now Online

The photos from our vacation in Hong Kong are now online. The image above is me clowning around on the Avenue of Stars. In addition to looking like a fool, I also got shots of myself with the “stars” of Jacky Chan, Sammo Hung, John Woo, and Tsui Hark. Much koolness. We spent about ten…

Bangkok Students Urged to Not Have Sex On Buses

Evidently Bangkok Students Urged to Not Have Sex On Buses . . . the kids have been slipping into the back of the bus where it’s dark on their way home from classes and have been making the beast with many backs. The new warning signs on the buses don’t sound all that effective .…

The Guy Game

Finally, a video game just for guys . . . The Guy Game . . . while the game is obviously full of babes, I do see one problem with it . . . trivial pursuit? Guys don’t really want to play general trivia games when sitting at their X-Box or PS2. We want to…