The Guy Game

Finally, a video game just for guys . . . The Guy Game . . . while the game is obviously full of babes, I do see one problem with it . . . trivial pursuit? Guys don’t really want to play general trivia games when sitting at their X-Box or PS2. We want to blow things up or manipulate hot babes in action sequences. Sure Gilrs Gone Wild footage may be interesting . . . okay, very interesting . . . but it does not lead to compelling gameplay. A lot of folks bought the beach volleyball game when X-Box first came out but soon retired it from active play as there’s really only oh so much you can do watching girls bounce on the beach, not enough action or challenge (buying new bathing suits is not really a thrilling guy thing despite the preadolescents trolling for thongs). If you want a real game geared at guys, then put the babes in action, swords, guns, missions, that sort of stuff, don’t just ask trivia questions or play tic-tac-toe to remove bits of clothing. We want game play, not just bounce play. That said, I am still looking forward to snarfing the game if it actually becomes available here.