Fashion Police

Louisiana is considering adopting a law that will ban low-rider clothing or the wearing of jeans and the like in such a way to expose one’s underwear or partial backside. While I agree that baggy pants dropping past the hips with underwear up to one’s belly is a silly fashion statement and does look ridiculous,…

Eggs, Eggs, Everywhere

On Apr 11, 2004, Lorraine and Kaye went on a trip to the Golden Egg Museum and Ranch in Hsinchu with Kaye’s friend Gareth (with his father, Michael) and our next door neighbors Shen-Shen, Pipi, and Dandan (and their parents). They had a wonderful day . . . feeding the ostriches, picking and coloring eggs,…

Thus Sayeth the Lord

Noah at Ugly Expat reposts a nice list of items that demonstrate that one really shouldn’t rely too heavily upon Bible quotes when discussing issues of modern morality as those who stick to a literatl interpretation of the Bible are more than likely to run into sticky waters very quickly. While your faith and your…

Dragons in Banchiau

We went to Banchiau last night for supper and had dinner at Tasty. As always, Kaye wanted to draw but this time – as often is the case – we forgot to bring some paper. So, as she often does, Kaye drew on the paper table cloth. She did a rather large piece showing scale…

Office Hijinx

These are silly and stupid and probably cruel but perhaps just a tad funny the better way to waste your day . . . don’t do any of this as it’s stupid and cruel, but the read is worth a laugh or three.


Well, first there was dogging – sex with strangers in public (see the faq) . . . now, there is toothing. Toothing is a new fad where folks with cellphone devices that have bluetooth capability anonymously meet strangers on the MRT or the like for random bits of anonymous sex. See the articles in Wired…

Expanding Marriage

We’ve seen a lot on gay marriage of late . . . and regular readers of this blog know my stance . . . now others are trying to expand the definition of marriage even further to include polyamorists. While the case for consensual bigamy or polygamy or polyandry or group marriage can be made…

College Kids

I went to KU for a couple years . . . long ago, when dinosaurs walked the Earth . . . yep, this captures some of the experience. The pot smoking gallery is certainly familiar . . . not that I ever toked up, being the straight-laced fellow that I am, but I do remember…

Gender Genie

Not sure if that cute girl sending you e-love-letters is really a guy having a laugh . . . enter The Gender Genie. Just plug in the text you want to have a looksee at and the gender genie uses an algorithm to determine if the writer is male of female. Warning . . .…

Performance, Entertainment, Stage Hypnosis Workshop

Taipei Hypnosis Study Group in English STAGE HYPNOSIS: Entertaining with Hypnosis May 16, 2004 I will be running a workshop on Entertainment and Performance "Stage" Hypnosis for the Taipei Experimental Hypnosis Workshop on 16 May 2004. We’ll watch some stage hypnotists on video and then talk about their approaches. I’ll go over basic show stuctures…

When Politicians Approve Scientists

Donald Kennedy writes persuasively on a recent trend in the United States where members of formerly merit-based independant scientific and academic review panels are being screened for political views rather than scientific merit. Folks are now being hired for academic and scientific advisory councils based upon their political views and loyalties to the Bush agenda…

Porn HIV Scare

The current scare going through the adult industry related to two male performers being diagnosed as HIV+ demonstrates a couple things. One, the speed with which responsible companies have reacted in halting filming and stepping up testing in order to find anyone who may have been infected by the men. Two, that the adult entertainment…