Hot Abercrombie Chick . . . Is she . . . Or . . . Isn’t she? Real, that is.

Hot Abercrombie Chick has discovered the joys of being too prevalent and too popular in that there is much speculation that she doesn’t actually exist, so her response:

Yesterday, after my absence from blogging for a few days to work on the final drafts of some essays, I noticed the whole set of hoax allegations when Kevin from WizBang emailed me. I am thoroughly amused, despite my suspicion that some lonely guy/s cooked up the whole ‘hoax’ thing in an attempt to get me to send them pictures. I wouldn’t be surprised at some “write Hot Abercrombie Chick on your chest, in whipped cream” requests in the near future. Sorry to disappoint.

I’m all in favor of the whipped cream solution . . . but then I’m always in favor of that sort of thing.

See more “evidence” here. Whether Amanda exists or not, much of the evidence to the contrary is self-contradictory and silly.

Some folks ran her posts through the Gender Genie and found out she’s a guy and then state that’s solid scientific proof. No, it’s not. As posted earlier, I managed two pieces of my own to come out female and others have put in plenty of posts by known women in the hopper to have them come out male. It’s an interesting application but it’s not foolproof.

Others say that because Amanda posts so much, she would have to be unemployed and obsessive . . . therefore, she must be a guy pretending to be a woman? Er, that doesn’t hold either. She, or he, may be a bit overzealous blogwise but that’s not proof of gender or hoax.

The “proof” that her name doesn’t show up anywhere else also doesn’t work as plenty of folks use psuedonyms . . . look at the “I love porn” blogs and note the number of real names given . . . heck, even a good half of the mundane Taipei blogs out there use fake names or nicknames. Personally, I love to see my real name in print and I figure if I feel strongly enough about something to post on it, I’ll put my real name on it . . . see my earlier posts on writing for the adult market . . . however, if Amanda is a woman, then using an alter-ego for public posts might make some sense to avoid stalkers and idiots.

I honestly don’t really care if Amanda is a man or a woman . . . real or hoax . . . some of the posts are worth reading or interesting while others are not. If the folks obsessed with the controversy really care, why don’t they just stop reading her blog? Excise the link from their blogrolls and get on with life. There’s really no need to care a whit more . . . the green giant can be excised with a simple deletion.

Of course . . . in the meantime . . . the more folks talk about it, the more her hits are going way up . . . oh, I just contributed to that, didn’t I? 🙂