
Brian David Phillips

This is my site. I am Brian David Phillips. If you don't know what I'm up to or about, you probably shouldn't be here.

Gender and Gaming

Was looking for some references to Live Action Roleplaying and Freeforms (interactive dramas of the type I wrote my doctoral dissertation on) and stumbled across badgerbag’s gender and gaming. While I will agree that many within the gaming community are unaware that there may be a problem regarding sexism in gaming, I would note that…

Rumble Roses . . .

Picked up the PS2 game Rumble Roses . . . a bit of a guy title with hot babes wrestling one another . . . good stuff . . . take a look at the cosplayers at the UK premiere . . . Rumble Roses Premiere . . . even more good stuff.

Hypnosis Effective for Couples with Unexplained infertility

This is not new news it’s old news but it’s news nonetheless . . . hypnosis has been shown to be helpful for couples experiencing unexplained infertility. More and more couples are faced with infertility issues: A reported one in six couples have problems with fertility and conception and figures indicate that unexplained infertility accounts…

Hypnosis for Menopause

A Canadian study demonstrates that hypnosis is very helpful in the control of menopause symptoms . . . New weapon for women going through Menopause: New weapon for women going through Menopause A new weapon for millions of American women going through Menopause. Instead of taking hormones to relieve symptoms like hot flashes, many women…

Taipei Hypnosis Workshop Meeting . . .Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Induction Methods
Good Session, Lots of Trancin’ Goin’ On

The Taipei Hypnosis Workshop Meeting . . .Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Induction Methods session went pretty well. We ended up with a lot fewer folks than expected as a few folks cancelled at the last minutes and others didn’t show. However, once we got underway, it was a great session. I covered the various mental…

Business Communication and Hypnosis

Michael Beale writes of Business NLP and Hypnosis for Communication: Would you consider it strange that many successful business people are attending master-classes on Hypnosis each year? There are many reasons why people attend such courses. One reason that appeals to the business community is the process of understanding the basic principles of hypnosis in…

Our Moral Values

George Lakoff has an interesting take on Our Moral Values as liberals must reposition and reframe their approach so as to combat the Strict-Father ideals of the neocons and religious right. It’s partly a matter of self-critique and parly a matter of reframe and influence. While I don’t buy some of the specifics, the general…

Fake Yahoo! Personals

Flshbot has a take on Fake Yahoo! Personals . . . when folks post personals that use images from celebrity models or porn stars. It sometimes seems amazing the photos folks will put up. Most of the culprits are guys pretending to be gals. They do this in part as a means to troll for…

Angels Across . . . America
What about Taiwan?

Victoria’s Secret has the Angels Across America tour and I’m thinkin’ . . . hey! What about us poor folks in Taiwan? Shouldn’t we get a chance to oggle incredibly hot superbabe models in their scanties? I’m thinkin’ . . yes! We should. So, where’s our Angels Across Taiwan tour? Ah well, the price of…

Sexual Tension

Elyse Butler, student at the Brooks Institute of Photography, wins the gold in the 59th College Photographer of the Year competition with her series Sexual Tension, an unusual series of photographs taken on adult movie sets. The images capture interesting moments and emotions, none of them pornographic. Very evocative series.

Halo 2 . . . great but sucks

As some of you know, I’ve been waiting and drooling for the release of Halo 2 for the X-Box here for ages and ages. Well, finally, it’s out . . . and, finally . . . I got a copy. Lorraine picked up a copy of the local edition and an X-Box Live kit. As…

IMAX Taipei

Kaye, Lorraine, and I went to the opening of the new IMAX screen in Taipei . . . Friday night . . . it was great. Really great. The screen is huge, really huge. Unfortunately, the film was dubbed in Chinese. All the signs and posters are in English and there is nothing posted about…

Enterprise . . . heating up . . .

As long time readers know . . . I love things Star Trek. My family and I have been watching the DVDs for the complete series of Star Trek: The Next Generation . . . devouring the show season by season. Once that’s done, we’ll be moving on to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as…

We Have Ways of Making You Stop Smoking

Michael Fitzpatrick has a very interesting and biased take on comparison of Nazi anti-cancer campaigns against smoking and those of the Labour government in We have ways of making you stop smoking. While some of the comparison seems valid, he oversimplifies and extends implied facism even while denying the allegations. He attacks second-hand smoke studies…