Monthly Archives: April 2010

Higher Self episode of the podcast now online

For those with an interest, there is a video episode up on the Higher Self process at the eXperiential Hypnocast, my free podcast on hypnosis techniques. Go to for this and other episodes. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or…

Trance Dance Intensive

T r a n c e       D a n c e I N T E N S I V E eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: Here is a nice video with clips from the Trance Dance Intensive program. Obviously, if you are reading this post via a…

The Journal of Experiential Trance wants YOUR Contribution NOW!

The JOURNAL OF EXPERIENTIAL TRANCE is accepting submissions for the upcoming issue. You can find previous issues of the JOURNAL OF EXPERIENTIAL TRANCE online at (free to download for SET members and for purchase to non-members), so, as is the nature of such ongoing endeavors . . . now it's time to get the second…

Brain’s Amnesia Centers Found

Using hypnosis, brain imaging study has given scientists a rather clear indication of what areas of the brain are related to amnesia. Brain scans of hypnotized people that are taken as they forget and are triggered to remember have revealed neural circuitry that is key to the memory suppression and recall process.  The researchers who…

Hitachi has another Nintendo 3DS screen contender

Hitachi's 3.1" autosteresocopic screen is another contender for the Nintendo 3DS (3D DS) screen.  See for the engadget bit. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)  HYPNOSIS VIDEO COURSES    Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE! See for details…

Yoga Trance Dance

Y o g a       T r a n c e       D a n c e eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: Shiva Rea demonstrates and teachers her Yoga Trance Dance approach to trance and ecstatic dance: Obviously, if you are reading this post via a…

Ninetendo 3D DS

There's a lot of speculation about the upcoming Nintendo 3D DS which will be autostereoscopic (no glasses) similar to the Fuji Finepix W1 3D digital camera's screen, although the exact parameters are yet to be announced.  See for more on the announcement. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go…

Neural Mechanism of Suggested Paralysis

Science Daily has a fascinating piece on studies regarding brain imaging and suggested paralysis . . . Although there is no doubt that hypnosis can impact the mind and behavior, the underlying brain mechanisms are not well understood. Now, new research provides fascinating insight into the specific neural effect of the power of suggestion. The…

Sharp 3D Goodies Coming Out Soon!

Sharp's upcoming 3D tablet is autostereoscopic and does not require glasses to view . . . not quite a 3D ipad but it will have some interesting applications available.  Sharp also has what they claim to be the "brightest" LCD 3D screen set to launch as well (it does require glasses).  See for more. All the…

The Dude Abides . . .

One of my favorite films is THE BIG LEBOWSKI . . . I just resonate with the slacker character of The Dude, not that I would want to become The Dude, just that he feels good in his loserish let-life-flow attitude and his ability to adapt but mostly it's just a damned funny film. I'm going…

Fujifim Finepix Real 3D W1 Firmware Update

There is now a firmware update for the Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 digital 3D camera . . . you can get it at for those who have the camera.  It only has one new modification and that's to add 16:9 image taking options for "small" image size . . . this – not so coincidentally…

No Hype? No Problem. Game Time.

Ben Silverman at Yahoo writes about the success of certain video games despite being panned by critics . . . . . . there is a shift in game culture as folks who do not read the game columns have begun buying games for very different reasons than video game critics might realize.  The case in…

Shamanic Trance Dance

S H A M A N I C T r a n c e       D a n c e eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: Here's a beautiful video compilation of the Shamanic Trance Dance experience with Zelia Pye. Seeing without eyes…..Close your eyes on the world of…