Monthly Archives: April 2010

The Mesmerized Mind

New work on mind and brain and hypnosis . . . Mention hypnosis, and the image that springs to mind is a caped magician swinging a pocket watch, seducing otherwise sensible people into barking like dogs. But hypnosis is more than a stage show act. For years, psychologists have used it to help patients calm…

Should Kids Be Paid to Learn?

Amanda Ripley of Time magazine writes and interesting feature that asks the question Should Kids Be Paid to Learn? featuring an exploration of a number of recent studies that looked into how kids learn and whether or not incentive programs work. See for the entire story, well worth the read. All the best,Brian (If you are…

Into the Mists

A new podcast episode is up . . . this time around on the Experiential Hypnocast we have a guided imagery that asks you to imagine yourself floating through the mists of spacetime into the realm of the universal unconscious where you join with the archetypes to experience various scenes of perfect joy, pleasure, and…

Kundalini Dance

K u n d a l i n i       D a n c e eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: Here is an absolutely beautiful video presentation by Leyholah Antara of her trance dance variation known as Kundalini Dance ( Obviously, if you are reading this post via…

Faster EFT

Robert Smith demonstrates the Faster EFT protocol: Give it a go. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)  HYPNOSIS VIDEO COURSES    Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE! See for details Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [] Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist,…

Hypno-Interview on CTS

Here's a video clip of a bilingual (English-Chinese) interview of me (Brian David Phillips) for an English language program on the Chinese Television System (CTS) in Taiwan. Obviously, those of you seeing this via a stream that does not include video embeds need to go to see the video. This interview was shot on…

Wilbert Alix and eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊

W i l b e r t      A l i x eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: For those unfamiliar with his work, Wilbert Alix is the director of the Natale Institute International, an organization that does a lot of work with Trance Dance, following from the work of Frank…

Psychic Drawing Fail

Folks who have taken a few of my metaphysical oriented hypnosis or trance courses are familiar with the automatic drawing technique that I use either for therapy or just for fun. Well, sometimes when you allow your unconscious to guide your hand through an ideomotor process some very interesting things can come up. Some folks…

It is DONE! 春天吶喊 Spring Scream Hypnosis Show!

It is done! Our hypnosis show at Spring Scream 春天吶喊 ( was scheduled for 12:10am (yes, just after midnight) but when we got there the band scheduled before us was just setting up to perform . . . things were running much later than usual. So, I apologized to Kaye who was dead on her feet…

The Vagina Dance

Yes, it really is so compelling that you just can't look away! Told you so. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)  HYPNOSIS VIDEO COURSES    Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE! See for details Brian David…

Learn Guitar to Get Laid

Recently, on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange, there's been a heated exchange slash discussion on the merits of the seduction industry. So, in honor of what is sometimes a near-flamefest, here's some genuine skills on how you can get laid by learning just enough guitar to attract those babes . . . LEARN GUITAR TO GET…

Off to 春天吶喊 Spring Scream to Perform my 催眠秀 Hypnosis Show

We're heading off to Kaohsiung and then Kenting and  Spring Scream 春天吶喊 ( where I will be performing my Hypnosis Show. See for more details. We will be back in Taipei late Tuesday . . . so, my internetedness will be spotty until then.  We've got house sitters so the animals will be fed and taken care of and all…

My True Loves

This is fun . . . and so very very real . . . . . . pretty love song too. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)  HYPNOSIS VIDEO COURSES    Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and…

Spring Scream 春天吶喊 Hypnosis 催眠秀 Performance Time is Sunday Night after Midnight on the White Stage

A number of folks have been emailing us all a flutter about our performance at Spring Scream 春天吶喊 ( as for the first two days the schedule was up we were the ONLY performers with our name on the list but no date, no stage, and no time.  Well, if you take a look now at…