Monthly Archives: January 2007

Demonstrational Hypnosis Session

Felt like doing something . . . interesting . . . so, here is a full video of a . . . Demonstrational Hypnosis Session . . . this is the trance partner’s first-ever hypnosis session (videotaped with permission). The video starts at the get-go with an imaginative suggestibility exericise and then runs through variant…

Special Valentine . . .
. . . Feb. 10, 2007, Taipei . . .

Special Valentine Lovers Hypnosis:Trance Techniques to Become a Better Lover(Intimacy and Romance Building Techniques for Conesenting Adults) DATE: Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007, six hours, Valentine Weekend Special CourseLANGUAGE: English instruction with Chinese interpretationVENUE: Chinese Culture Center Ext. Center, TaipeiCORRESPONDENCE: Lorraine Phillips (, English or Chinese.REGISTRATION: SCE CCU (web) Valentine Weekend, Sat., Feb. 10, 2007 .…

Hypnocast Episode Twenty-Three . . .

TAROT TRANCE (43:55, 78.2 megs.). Yes, there really is a new Hypnocast and it is a very special video episode. This is a discussion and demonstration of Tarot Trance, a variation of the Through the Gate into Tarot process which was the first audio hypnocast episode so long ago (still available for direct download in the…

What Is Hypnosis?

WNBC has a brief video and article on . . . What Is Hypnosis? . . . up and ready to read. It’s quite short but worth a peek. Straightforward. Not my definition of hypnosis but one that works for many. Note that there is no implication of priority for certain folks practicing hypnosis, just…

Server Downtime . . . grrrr . . .

Oh, joy, oh rapture, yadda yadda yadda.  Some of you have noticed that Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams Hypnosis at seems to be down.  It is down, no seems to be about it.  Don’t know why.  Have to get it checked in to.  Please be patient.  Yes, it’s a completely different machine than the…

falling off

falling off Originally uploaded by davidephoto1. Randomly surfing flickr and this image by David Cianetti stands out beautifully.  Of course, it’s also my chance to check to see how flickr’s new blog posting thingie works.  Looks like it works fine . . . for the most part. – Brian

teenagers can beat blues with hypnosis

Well, it should be obvious but it’s nice to see their results fit reality . . . Teenagers ‘can beat blues with hypnosis’ . . . Teenagers struggling with anxiety and depression can help beat the problems with self-hypnosis, a new study claims. Youngsters who were taught hypnotherapy also reported increased self-esteem and reduced feelings…

When Instant Hypnosis Inductions fall Flat . . .

I recently received a private message via my myspace profile at which I answered personally but the question is such a good one that I thought I would share my response here as others may have had similar experiences (I’ve removed the querant’s identity here). “…i just wanted to tell you i have tried…

Computer Crash . . . again!

My brand spanking new computer just crashed so now all the stuff I just moved onto it from the old friend hard drives is sitting on a new fried system . . . I’ve a conference paper to turn in within the week and it’s starting final exams week and a workshop to prep for…

Hypnotic Hong Kong . . .
. . . Dave Rawson to perform at Hard Rock Cafe
. . . January 14-15, 2007

I just received an email from Dave Rawson ( that he will be performing in Hong Kong at the Hard Rock Cafe on January 14/15, 2007. Dave has performed in Hong Kong before but this is his first stint at the Hard Rock Cafe. Readers of Life of Brian will recognize Dave from his delightful…

Introduction to Lovers Hypnosis . . .
. . . 13 January 2007, Taipei, Taiwan

Introduction to Lovers Hypnosis:Basic Trance Techniques to Enhance Your Love Style(Intimacy and Romance Building Techniques for Conesenting Adults) DATE: Jan. 13, 2007, 2:00am-5:00pmCOURSE FEE: NT$1200 (half-price for second person), online registration for membership discountsLANGUAGE: English instruction with Chinese interpretationVENUE: Chinese Culture Center Ext. Center, TaipeiCORRESPONDENCE: Lorraine Phillips (, English or Chinese.REGISTRATION: SCE CCU (web) Jan.…