Daily Archives: January 17, 2007

Jazz Festival . . .

Corbett Wall goes to a Jazz Festival . . . I’m not even going to quote it. Go and read it yourself. It is WELL worth your trouble. That’s just amazing stuff. Really, go read it NOW. You will get a kick out of it. BTW, we’ll be performing the Hypnosis Showcase with Patsy Wu…

adultery could mean life imprisonment

Well, ain’t that interesting? Michagan may have a problem . . . adultery could mean life, court finds . . . in Michigan, adultery is on the books as a felony and anyone who engages in sexual intercourse while in the commission of another felony can be charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct which can carry…

naked parties are all the rage at Ivy League schools

According to ABC, naked parties are all the rage at Ivy League schools. Well, shoot, how come they didn’t have those kind of parties back when I was a student? And, if they did (they probably did), why wasn’t I invited (and I wasn’t). Then again, my undergraduate years were mostly spent at a Methodist…