Monthly Archives: September 2006

Interrogation Methods and Freedom . . .

From Professor John C. Yoo at University of California on Interrogation Methods Rejected by Military Win Bush’s Support . . . “When you’re fighting a new kind of war against an enemy we haven’t faced before,” Professor Yoo said, “our system needs to give flexibility to people to respond to those challenges.” Flexibility to respond…

of myspace spaces and moi . . .

I went and got myself one of those all-fangled myspace thingies . . . so, you can find me on Myspace at No, I am not replacing this blog or any of my other webpages. It’s just that I have found that a number of nightlife venue folks in Taiwan are on myspace and…

polygamy comes out of the closet

Mindelle Jacobs writes on the recent publicity and coverage of polygamy after the Jeffs arrest. She also notes that more folks with women-positive views of poly lifestyles are putting their foot forward . . . polygamy comes out of the closet . . . with a look at the Centennial Park community which is near…

Crocodile Hunter tributes . . .

Steve Irwin captured the imaginations of so many people as the Crocodile Hunter . . . our thoughts are with Terri and their children as they mourn the loss of their loved one . . . someone who touched the hearts of many . . . passing of a crocodile hunter, and icon. All the…

Qipao Bodypaint . . .

The first image looks like an index but it just sends you back to the main index. To view the gallery images, you need to scroll down and hit the “next” button or a number for a specific image . . . Bodypainting Cheong-sam . . . yes, the navigation is confusing, but the images…

Bai Ling . . .
Hottest Asian Singing Sensation in America

Bai Ling is currently the hottest Asian singing sensation in the United States as she was a top competitor on the VH1 series But Can They Sing? (wiki) against other professional entertainers. Yes, it’s true, when Americans think of hot Chinese singers, they are not thinking about Coco Lee anymore, they’re thinking Bai Ling (news).…