Bai Ling . . .
Hottest Asian Singing Sensation in America

Bai Ling is currently the hottest Asian singing sensation in the United States as she was a top competitor on the VH1 series But Can They Sing? (wiki) against other professional entertainers. Yes, it’s true, when Americans think of hot Chinese singers, they are not thinking about Coco Lee anymore, they’re thinking Bai Ling (news).

Bai Ling

Bai Ling takes an old Madonna classic to the next level. When she was assigned this song, she burst into tears (web) because she didn’t know it or many of the other standards everyone else involved with the program took for granted.

Bai Ling and Carmine Gotti Agnello

This is the first pairing of Bai Ling with Carmine Gotti Angnello. You can almost feel the chemistry as they belt out a standard from Grease.

Bai Ling and Carmine Gotti Agnello

Fans loved reacted in just the right way to their first duet that producers of the program paired Bai Ling with Carmine Gotti Angnello for an upbeat Kiss song.

I’ve found a few webpages out there devoted to Bai Ling and her music that are encouraging folks to call in and vote to keep Bai Ling on the elimination program. I suspect they may be fans of more than her music, perhaps . . . well, no perhaps, definately. She’s a hot Asian who poses nude a LOT and that goes a long way when it comes to voting for musical talent. These guys will put up with a lot of eardrum pain if it means a chance to glimpse a hot babe.

No one was watching the show for the music . . . well, maybe some folks.  Evidently there was a lot of love on the set, especially as Morgan Fairchild and Bai Ling made it clear that they cared deeply for one another . . . Bai Ling shows her love here . . . Morgan pronounces undyng respect and devotion here.

I know this is all old news to some of you but I only just discovered this musical genius.  Couldn’t find all of the clips demonstrating Bai Ling’s musical genius . . . evidently some were real eardrum splitters.  Sepaking of which, I have to go check and see if my eardrums are bleeding, I think I may be partially deaf right now.

Bai Ling’s fansite is here.

All the best,