Daily Archives: September 26, 2006

lesbians have more orgasms

There you have it Lesbians have more orgasms . . . WOMEN are more likely to orgasm during lesbian sex than straight sex, a survey reveals. Just under 69 per cent of women climaxed during their last heterosexual encounter compared to 76 per cent who romped with another female. Researchers who quizzed 19,000 people across…

Taiwanese Nudist faces Five Years

A Taiwan nudist who posted nude photos of himself on the internet faces five years of prision . . . see the story here. Fleshbot has a link to the story and links to the photo/movie archive. He’s being decried as assaulting public morals. The question that gets begged here is whether he’s been arrested…

Speed Hypnosis . . . gentle approach

Brian David Phillips demonstrates a soft and gentle rapid hypnosis induction . . . from full waking state to hypnosis in less than one minute. See http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details as well as course information. Many folks, including a number "fully trained" hypnotists think of rapid and instant hypnosis techniques as requiring shakes, jerks, and loud…