lesbians have more orgasms

There you have it Lesbians have more orgasms . . .

WOMEN are more likely to orgasm during lesbian sex than straight sex, a survey reveals. Just under 69 per cent of women climaxed during their last heterosexual encounter compared to 76 per cent who romped with another female. Researchers who quizzed 19,000 people across Australia blamed selfish fellas who concentrated solely on intercourse because it was most “effective” for them. They added that many women with lower sex drives were also left unsatisfied when pressured into having sex — while only 5.2 per cent of men did not orgasm. Three-quarters of women polled by three Aussie universities said their last sexual activity included some kind of “manual stimulation”. A quarter said their romp included oral sex. The survey was published in the Journal of Sex Research.

Perhaps some skillsets are in need of learning.