So Big and Healthy Grandpa Wouldn’t Even Know You

Gina Kolata writes a thought-provoking and very interesting piece on how humans have radically evolved physically over the past one hundred years in ways that puzzle, astound, and delight scientists and that benefit the species . . . radical changes in human form that have dramatically changed health and lifespan as well as much much more, far more radical than anything that had occurred in over 7,000 generations of humans . . . So Big and Healthy Grandpa Wouldn’t Even Know You . . . it’s not so much a change in our DNA but in our form but it is far-reaching and amazing. Humans are so much more robust, larger and healthier, that our ancestors would not recognize us as descendants. We are larger, healthier, live longer. Heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis, all occur much later in life than they did previously and are often less series than they had been in the past – obviously, we still have a ways to go with desease but when compared to life expectancy and qualify of life of our ancestors, we’re practically a different species. Read the article, it’s more than a whole lot fascinating.