Daily Archives: July 20, 2006

YouTube Wonderings . . .

I noticed all my Youtube posts have vanished. Google Video is still up so it seems to be a problem with Youtube (going to the main site also is a no go). Not sure what the deal is or if there is some mundane reason for the cut off of content or perhaps it’s some…

Three Attention-Based Pickup Methods

Captain Bee presents Three Attention-Based Pickup Methods . . . The Full-Court Press, the Takeaway, and the Insults . . . of course, folks familiar with the seduction and influence community have different terms for ’em but here they are. Read the full article for the bits and the other bits.

hypnosis underpins the medical mix . . .
. . . essay with mixed-up ideas

This article from New Zealand on how hypnosis underpins the medical mix has some solid information and some right-minded thinking. However, it is also mixed-up. The doctor interviewed is all for hypnosis being used for medical issues, frustrated at the negative impressions many people have of hypnosis. However, at the same time, he reinforces negative…