YouTube Wonderings . . .

I noticed all my Youtube posts have vanished. Google Video is still up so it seems to be a problem with Youtube (going to the main site also is a no go). Not sure what the deal is or if there is some mundane reason for the cut off of content or perhaps it’s some weird thing here but the timing seems more synchronictic than merely coincidental. It seems that Youtube’s hit a wall thanks to the recent developments . . . are they related? Youtube’s been hit with a copyright lawsuit from a journalist who owns a news service (here) despite Youtube’s policy of dumping stuff if they find it. NBC has recently gotten in bed with the company to promote it’s shows (here) despite earlier stomping them. MTV noticed that they were losing viewers to Youtube so they plan to launch their own Youtube to compete (here and here. Russel de Pina has some insights here. While there are other avenues for distributing videos, for now, Youtube has had the greatest impact . . . even to the point of how soldiers tell their stories from the frontlines of an ongoing war (see that interesting development here).