yo, what’s up with . . .
. . . alternatives


If information of a deeply personal or not so much personal but perhaps crossing into sexual or perhaps even creepy nature offends, confuses, or bugs you in any way then stop reading (of course, I now know that a whole slew of folks who wouldn’t normally read this post are going to read it anyway just to see what dirty little secrets or prurient information they will find in it and I know a number of them will be sorely disappointed when they get to the end but that a few won’t be, for whatever reasons) . . .

. . . Interesting.  At first, I thought it was just a troll because it was completely off-topic and could have been taken as confrontational or straight inquisitive . . . but I went ahead and replied anyway . . . as I do to trolls once in awhile, just in case someone else is reading who might find the information useful . . .

The Taiwan Nights webpages forum has a photos post section so I posted a bit about my gig doing Walkabout Trance Street Hypnosis at the ICRT Smirnoff Street Party back on June 17, 2006, with links to the photo gallery and to my blog post review on the event and my experience.

Today there was a reply to the post . . . usually there aren’t really any replies as the category is for photo posts, not for discussion . . . but the reply only asked why I have so many S/m links on my webpages.  First reaction, just a troll trying to get a rise as percentage wise there aren’t that many links like that (there are a few but they tend to be to sites that are generalized alternatives lifestyle stuff rather than just sadomasochism and most are light material or photography sets.  I kind of believe that just as you can never really have too much lipstick lesbian exposure, you really can’t have enough fetish fashion fotography . . . well, okay, maybe certain types are a bit more than one would want.

However, because sometimes my goat gets gotten or because I’m in a mercurial mood, I posted a reply anyway . . . and in typical verbose manner . . . instead of simply saying "it’s none of your business" I posted a long drawn out explanation that also means "it’s none of your business, but…"  Because this blog is the site being asked about (not even my main webpage, obviously), I will inflict my post upon readers here er, helpfully post the response here as well although regular readers already have a pretty clear idea of why some of that stuff is here . . .

Setting the ground rules on this respnse at the get-go . . . the question itself’s got nothing to do with the actual event post or even the photos (this is the picture post topic) but I’ll bite . . . is this a genuine question for information or just a troll snipe?  If you’re trolling, then let me know as I’m going to pretend to assume it’s not.  Am I being asked to explain or justify my content to you for some reason other than curiousity?  I’ll assume it’s not a troll and give you a straightfoward answer . . . and even though it’s way off topic here . . . here’s a brief bit.

First, I happen to have an interest in some of that stuff, not all of it, I really like the photography, especially the fashion stuff . . . not so much the S/m stuff but the D/s and more of the B than the d . . . I take my power exchange fantasies with a pendulum and spinning spiral of a hypnotic variety rather than with a riding crop or suspended rope . . . but I can certainly appreciate that others enjoy flavors of a variety not quite to my taste just as there are bits and pieces that crossover just fine, thank you . . . see here for a sense of what I mean . . . but there’s a lot more there than what you are focusing on . . . a whole lot more . . . but, I do like the photography and enjoy the essays as well . . . and if you don’t then don’t follow those links . . . they are in a group for the most part so should be easy for you to avoid . . . and I know some of the folks behind those webpages.  My personal interests along those lines are definately not S/m . . . although there are always twinges of one thing or another in one’s life but not the pain thing, can’t stand pain either giving or receiving . . . never have, never will.  I like the images some folks post and enjoy the essays by others and some folks speak as if they’re inside my brain the way they just so completely resonate to my own experiences or interests . . . some . . . sometimes I’m just plain curious and link to a site simply because it interests me.

Second, I have a number of friends or acquaintances who are in the various "alternative lifestyles" of many flavors . . . I am not in most of those lifestyles but enough of my life crosses over into theirs that the links are reasonable.  For instance, I don’t go to these munches in Taipei (at least not until they invite me to do a workshop on hypnotic power exchange or how to immobilize someone without rope but with a mere suggestion and then condition them to uncontrollable and overwhelming pleasure and erotic response . . . yes, that is something that crossovers very well and I happen to be very very good at that sort of thing . . . make that extremely good at it . . . in fact, for the past few months I’ve been getting a number of requests to do a Hypnocast about that very subject and have been considering it, albeit there are a lot of considerations first) but I do know a couple folks associated with the site and at least one is on my friends list and I enjoy chatting with him and discussing issues of common interest.  A buddy of mine in back in the US of A whose life crosses over into similar realms with much the same sort of pattern as myself describes similar experiences and conclusions.  We’re tolerant and easy going and enjoy the variety while stepping back from the bits that just don’t play our tunes.  Just because we enjoy some flavors doesn’t mean we’re completely non-vanilla all the time as there is a whole heaping serving of vanilla flavor right here . . . mixed in with a bit of other exotic flavoring, not so much vice versa or versa vice.

Third . . . and  . . . actually, if you really must know despite it being off-topic for the hypnotic performance photos thread . . . most of the "alternative" links on my blog are in the "alternatives Taiwan and Asia" sections . . . my hypnotherapy practice happens to be listed as an "alternatives friendly" practice which means I work with a lot of folks who are in alternative lifestyles (gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, polyamourous, monogamous, polygamous, bigamists, big_of_me-ists, subgenius, swinging swingers, open marriage, closed marriage, no-marriage, S/m, D/s, B/d, ultra, pagan, wiccan, goreans, goddess worshippers, tarot readers, pansexuals, Erisians, Discordians, punks, goths, ravers, Bastians, trance heads, potheads, democrats, republicans, and every which other way you bend it types and more) without being judgemental or condemning about their lifestyle choices.  In other words, folks can feel comfortable in discussing their issues that are related or unrelated to their lifestyle choices without fearing that they might get criticised or have someone try to scripture thump at ’em (which unfortunately does happen quite a bit – even folks who have been gay their entire lives are sometimes preached at about the sins of their lifestyle or how their orientation is a disease).  While I do not encourage nor condone what are considered dangerous practices, I do help folks who live within alternative lifestyles and encourage the Safe, Sane, and Consensual model.  BTW, "consensual" means "informed consent" rather than superficial consent.  Feel free to ask me about whatever the heck that means here in an appropriate comment rather than at the Taiwan Nights Forum which is more appropriate for discussion of nightlife and the specific post that sparked this was specifically about my profesisonal hypnotic entertainment in Taipei and had nothing to do with either my therapeutic work or my personal life or interests or inclinations whatever flavor they may or may not be.

Besides . . . while it is certainly an important site and I post there quite prolifically and it does have a large readership, Life of Brian is not my main site.  It’s my blog.  My blog reflects my interests – personal and professional – and those are varied and sometimes very much not vanilla . . . sometimes extremely non-vanilla and other times as vanilla as vanilla can come.  It’s a blog.  In fairness, the professional sites also have a wide variety of stuff on ’em too just not the same ilk.

Enough said . . . well, actually, more than enough said but I always ramble anyway.

Some folks recognize the image above from this post (yes, it is still my favorite).

All the best,

Entertaining Hypnosis Shows More Coming!
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COUPLES HYPNOSIS – Sept. 23-24, 2006
See "training" at http://www.briandavidphillips.com for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [phillips@nccu.edu.tw]Certified Hypnotherapist
Executive Director, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan