Kids Grow Up . . . teenagers and parents . . .
. . . at least we still have the RPGs in common

Wil Wheaton has discovered teenagers in his home . . . a transformation his children are undergoing in oh so dramatic and typical but delightful ways.

It’s nice to see his boys are still into the roleplaying games . . . D&D . . .  my daughter still likes D&D, it’s a common bond.  Some day I hope to expose her to more . . . it would be nice to have someone to play Paranoia with . . . or Ghostbusters or well a bunch of stuff I probably over-romanticize in my head.  Heck, she’ll probably come home from school someday wearing all black, be all gothic and start Masquerading on me.  Then again, we live in Taiwan so that’s not so likely.

Kaye hasn’t hit teenage years in terms of age but her physical changes and emotional changes of late are well into teenagedness.  She’s only eleven but well into adolesence.  I guess she wanted to get a head start . . . albeit, I went through the same sort of things when I was her age.

One weird change of late has been her eating habits . . . she used to eat like Daddy and now is eating like Mommy . . . no words were spoken or anything of the like, she just suddenly changed her eating and behavior habits.

BTW, if you don’t read Wheaton’s blog, it is a good read.  I’m a lifetime Star Trek fan and a Kansas boy so go figure (Wheaton mad his transition from actor to human in Topeka, not too far from my old stomping grounds)  I ordered his books from Amazon to see how they read . . . should be interesting . . . Just a Geek . . . and . . . Dancing Barefoot.

I may be biased . . . but what do I know . . . I’m a mixed up scifi fantasy fan slash hypnotist slash gamer slash father slash hypnotist slash professor type living on the other side of the planet from all that stuff that formed me and my views and doing stuff no one back home has ever even dreamt of on a daily basis.  I’m just some guy and that’s what I think.
