Daily Archives: August 16, 2005

Advertising Standards and . . .
. . . Hypnotists who Lie, Cheat, Steal, and . . .
. . . well . . . just plain creepy . . .

Jonathan Royle is in the news again . . . this time he’s had a complaint against him for advertising which pushes the envelope and breaks a few laws . . . Advertising Standards Authority – Non-Broadcast Adjudication Details. I’ve received copies of this ad a number of times in various spam posts. Recently, the…

Overcoming Shyness through Theatre Training

A bit that caught my eye in the second installment of the Cliff’s List Seminar Report: “Shyness can often be mistaken for aloofness. A great way to get over shyness is to take stage theater classes.” While I would indeed advocate the idea that folks should take acting classes . . . it would not…