Relaxation Techniques Work

Been there, done that . . . no big surprise here . . . Relaxation techniques help columnist avoid road rage, other signs of stress:

An Australian newspaper columnist says some deep relaxation techniques have “significantly reduced my stress levels and altered the way I am looking at the world.” After deep trance session with a hypnotherapist, for example, the woman says she didn’t even get angry when she drove up behind someone going 10 kilometers per hour in a 60 km/h zone. She also said an hour at a meditation session left her feeling as if she’d had 10 hours of sleep.

If you would like to experience real deep relaxation, go to the DRTRC section of my webpages and listen to the free MP3s there. Or, feel free to contact me for in-person sessions in Taipei. This stuff really does work wonders for lowering stress and helping folks relax.