New Year’s Resolution . . .
trancery style

Here we go, let’s start out the new year with something a little interesting . . . New Year’s Resolution . . . trancery style . . . just for fun . . . of course you can do handle trance style resolutions with a hundred different approaches . . . anything from swish to six-part reframe to sigils to deep trance conditioning . . . this is a playful way of doing it, just for fun . . . it’s important to make it a playful and enchanting process while you run it . . . FEELing the magick of the moment and a certain degree of playful experimentation . . . please note, this is NOT intended as a therapeutic technique, there are far better approaches for that, this is intended as a technique used with a playful spirit for a positive outcome within that playful context . . .

First, write down your resolution. Use simple and straightforward language, positive, affirmation. If possible, keep it realistic but optimistic. A resolution should be positive and proactive so avoid the “don’t do this” or “can’t have this” or other negative mindsets. Keep it short and simple . . . k.i.s.s.

Second, while reading your resolution affirmation, imagine a compound shape, a symbol, a geometric shape . . . circle in a square, triangle around another triangle, square in a rectangle, whatever. Just let it come to you. Take the first idea on this that pops into your mind.

Third, while mentally reciting – and FEELING the truth of your resolution affirmation – draw the compound symbol on the paper with the resolution.

Fourth, fold the paper while mentally imagining the resolution and the symbol, feel as if you are folding the words into the images.

Fifth, draw the image on the outside of the folded paper and FEEL the resolution and the energy as your draw it.

Sixth, use your favorite induction . . . whatever you’re comfortable with . . . a self-hypnosis technique that gets you where you want to be reliably and with full-on imaginative involvement. If working with others, then it’s a hypnosis induction and in that case you would be walking them through the first five steps while doing imagery, visualization, and other trancework.

Seven, with eyes closed and while holding the folded resolution affirmation paper, imagine strong energy as you physically draw the compound symbol in the air before you. Really FEEL as if you are drawing the image over and over, as many times as you like with each time FEELING the affirmation becoming more and more powerfully a part of your inner psyche. Really FEEEL the CONNECTION and really FEEL the nature of your reality within your psyche molding into the shape of that symbol. Feel it as if it is very very powerful and being drawn magickally into the air and magickally and permanently into the fabric of your being. FEEL the CONNECTION and make that a very POSITIVE experience, one that if filled with joy, optimism, and fate. As if it’s already happened and all that matters now is to just let go and let it unfold . . . as you . . .

Eight, open your eyes and light the folded paper with a candle you have burning nearby (be sure NOT to do this sort of thing near any stacks of paper or in a closed space).

Nine, as you watch the paper burn away FEEL the CONNECTION of the resolution affirmation burn into your psyche. You may even notice the smoke taking on that shape for a moment within the imagination of your mind’s eye and that’s okay. Really feel as if the resolution has become something ingrained into your being and has already happened. As the paper becomes ash, so does any psychic resistance to this process. Really FEEL that connection and accept it.

Ten. Emerge yourself with a joyful optimism and . . . notice how the changes occur and you begin to notice what has already transpired unfolding in the very near future . . .

Just for fun. Use this for playful resolutions with positive context and positive outcome. I would not suggest using it for heavy behavioral modification or therapeutic purposes (there are much more appropriate trance tools for that sort of work) . . . use it for other more delightful contexts ranging from relationship celebration and the like as well as manifesting abundance or the like . . . BE PLAYFUL and ENJOY . . . a sense of quiet desperation or the like is very inappropriate for this sort of thing. Concentrate on positive and playful outcomes and ENJOY!

Notice after you’ve done this a few times how over the next few days you begin to see some rather interesting changes and new opportunities enter your life.

Happy New Year!

All the best,