Daily Archives: August 15, 2006

Sex in the City is bad for you

Hmmm . . . Sex in the City is bad for you . . . According to the New York City Health Department teen girls that watch Sex in the City are more likely to smoke than girls who don’t watch the program. The study found that these girls think that cigarettes make them look…

bad news for sex drive

A recent bit of research shows that the longer a woman is in a secure relationship, the less she wants sex . . . bad news for sex drive. This could be because of supply and demand and influence (by holding off on sex, it increases the drive in the male) or because women tend…

Carving Up the UEP . . .

A juged is pushing to take the relgion out of the UEP Trust . . . judge may decide fate of the FLDS trust today . . . this is ostensibly to remove the advocation of polygamy from the trust which was founded by the church as a means to manage community property and the…

Of murder and polygamy . . .

John Hollenhorst writes about the recent addition of Jacqueline Tarsa LeBaron to the FBI’s most wanted list . . . Member of Polygamist Cult Added to Most Wanted List. Note that he makes a point to mention the Warren Jeffs community as being linked to the LeBaron group. However, the disclaimer that the Jeffs group…