Carving Up the UEP . . .

A juged is pushing to take the relgion out of the UEP Trust . . . judge may decide fate of the FLDS trust today . . . this is ostensibly to remove the advocation of polygamy from the trust which was founded by the church as a means to manage community property and the like along the lines of Joseph Smith’s original communal property concepts (very progressive form of early communism, along first century Christian approaches to the same). The church favors polygamy which is illegal in the US . . . despite over sixty thousand families practicing polygamy along the lines of the FLDS and others. In a gross violation of freedom of speech, the government has many times prosecuted even the expression or support of polygamy (take a look at some of the immigration arbitrations regarding the suppression of speech advocating the belief in polygamy). So, a church body that holds assts and properties is now to have the relgion removed from it, that is, the polygamy aspect of their relgious beliefs . . . albeit, I suspect the UEP’s handling of assets could very well be approached with other existing laws regarding monopolies within communities. It’s quite the catch 22 as there have definately been abuses within the UEP but how far does the government go or have the right to go to advocate for those who are adversely affected (note, the governmental goal is to remove polygamy from all UEP activities and properties which tends to be both the legal goal of not advocating an illegal practice but hamstringing a church society that was founded in part to advocate polygamy as a religious doctrine). So, is the government’s goal in the best interests of the communities being affected or is it merely to cripple a major advocate of organized polygamy?