Of murder and polygamy . . .

John Hollenhorst writes about the recent addition of Jacqueline Tarsa LeBaron to the FBI’s most wanted list . . . Member of Polygamist Cult Added to Most Wanted List. Note that he makes a point to mention the Warren Jeffs community as being linked to the LeBaron group. However, the disclaimer that the Jeffs group has never been linked to murder or violence has the softened suggestion of as far as we know which leaves an implication that it is hidden. The Jeffs group certainly has problems, but assassinations of the type the LeBarons committed are not among them. We should not boil LeBaron down to the single issue of polygamy, or any of the radical conservative religous polygamy groups out there. Polygamy is a core issue for them but it is certainly not the only one. This should not be confused with other forms of polyamory either. Just as monogamy is practiced in very liberal fashion by some folks, it is also practiced in very conservative fashion by others. Poly comes in many flavors . . . as do humans.