
Insanity Mind by Lizz

Lizz (梁麗怡) performs Insanity Mind. Written by Lizz and directed by Bill Chia. This version of the music video includes English subtitles . . . yes, even though the lyrics are in English, the subtitles are for those who might otherwise miss some of the meaning . . . really let it sink in. That’s…

Rich Bitch by Die Antwoord . . . creepy, scary, and a bit more than brilliant

Strangely compelling, the music video “Rich Bitch” by Die Antwoord is a whole lot of wrong that you just can’t help but watch to its completion. Note to self, get pimpalicious ring and fit it with a hypnospiral. Click the image above or go directly to http://www.richardsonmag.com/post/1629187/die-antwoord-rich-bitch for music video oddness. – Brian

Teachers and the Future

So a recent study that compared education systems around the world reccommends that the United States do more to increase teacher status, pay, mentoring and more (see http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/education/16teachers.html for details) while we’re seeing teachers losing status in a number of states. Understatement to say it’s a mess. – Brian

Goodbye, Ra

Ra Uru Hu has passed. Goodbye, Ra . . . fair journey. The following notice was posted on the Jovian Archive: Some of my dearest friends (Deepak and Ming-yng) are advocates and practitioners of Human Design and I have taken an introductory course with them along with other programs so I have built a bit…

Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami

See http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/13/world/asia/satellite-photos-japan-before-and-after-tsunami.html for an interactive feature that shows just how devastating the damage from the earthquake and tsunami is . . . move the sliders on the images left and right to see the before and after perspectives from the satellite photos of the areas affected . . . now, as you see all those…

A Brief History of Actors Kicked OFF Their TV Shows

In light of recent events with Charlie Sheen, Movie Line has an illustrated piece that gives an overview of actors who have been fired from their own television shows. See http://www.movieline.com/2011/03/a-brief-history-of-actors-being-fired-from-their-television-shows.php for a trip through television history. Some of the firings were obviously justified – drug abuse and unreasonable demands – and some make you…


As you probably know a tsunami has hit Japan . . . the 8.9 earthquake has caused extensive damage in Northern Japan and aftershocks still coming. A number of countries in the region are preparing for the waves (http://www.jpost.com/International/Article.aspx?id=211720 and http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/11/tsunami.hawaii.japan.warning/) including Taiwan which is on the tsunami watch list now (http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aALL&ID=201103110011). Taiwan is likely…

Me and Bobby McGee

“Me and Bobby McGee“ is a song written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, originally performed by Roger Miller, and later by others including Kristofferson himself, and also Janis Joplin, who topped the U.S. singles chart with the song in 1971, after her death, making the song the second posthumous number-one single in U.S. chart…

San Ba . . . Happy Women’s Day!

Today is International Women’s Day . . . or . . . San Ba . . . the international event was first celebrated in 1909 in the United States and spread worldwide soon after. Coincidentally, the date March 8 is also a slang expression in Chinese for a gossip or sometimes “crazy” woman. It’s kind…

Membership Overhaul

The membership system on the Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams site at https://briandavidphillips.net/blog should work now. Some folks may need to reset their passwords for the new membership system . . . just use the function in the login box in the right sidebox and all should work fine. – Brian