
Chimp Sign Language in the Wild much more Complicated than previously Thought

It’s pretty much always been assumed that chimpanzee sign language in the wild is much less sophisticated than recent research has shown. See http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9475000/9475408.stm for a fascinating tale of how our perceptions of our closest relatives are being changed. One interesting point from the research is that a number of the signs used by chimpanzees…

Ollie Klublershturf vs. The Nazis

Ollie Klublershturf vs. The Nazis is directed by Skot Bright and written by Damon Lindelof (Lost). The film stars Chris Hemsworth, George Segal, Lainie Kazan, Norman Reedus, Rachel Nichols, Samm Levine, and Zach Mills and is an off-the-wall comedy set around the dinner table. What at first glance seems like an awkward ‘meet the parents’…

Space Pirate Cobra!

Buichi Terasawa is my absolutely favorite manga and anime artist and his Space Pirate Cobra is my second-favorite title (my favorite would have to be Takeru) so color me happy-camper when the international issue of Variety features some preview art for Alexandre Aja‘s upcoming live-action adaptation of what they are titling Space Pirate Cobra! Sure,…

Tornado Trials and Triumphs

Honestly, my first reaction on hearing of the recent spate of massive tornadoes ripping through the United States was a racing heart and sympathetic fear for all the good folks who have lost so very much and sorrow for those who have died. I grew up in Kansas and while I may not be there…

Goodbye, Sarah Jane – Thank You, Elisabeth

Elizabeth Sladen, perhaps best known for her portrayal of longtime Doctor Who companion Sarah Jane Smith, has passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer. She was 63. See http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2011/04/20/People-in-the-news/UPI-74071303286400/ and other news sources for more. She was my favorite of the various Doctor Who companions and we were delighted whenever she made an appearance…

Western Girls Raped and Murdered in Japan

Every year, thousands of Western girls head for Tokyo, where they’re easy prey for rich Japanese men. Killers like cannibal Issei Sagawa or Joji Obara target mainly foreigners. PART ONE One danger of the video series is the portrayal of someone like Issei Sagawa as typical, he most certainly is not. However, Joji Obara’s serial…

Katie Goodman Didn’t F*ck It Up

Katie Goodman is a musician and a comic and a member of the folks at Broad Comedy and evidently someone who is concerned with fucking things up and fucking remembering and a whole lot more. Her songs are quirky and fun and a bit on the not-safe-for-polite-company-side which makes them all the more delightful. I…

When Children Join the Dark Side

Okay, this video is funny and perhaps a bit beyond funny . . . obviously young Sariah Gellego’s parents have schooled her in the way of the Jedi and more. From the video description on youtube: The Gallego family take a trip to Disneyland and Sariah and Alex are chosen to join Jedi Academy!!!! Sariah…

Marijuana Pain Relief

As regular readers know from previous posts here, marijuana has a whole slew of positive medicinal potential . . . a recent study shows directions in pain relief as an aspirin type substitute with research going towards the creation of non-psychedelic strains or medical forumulae. See http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nchembio.552.html for the paper published in Nature. All the…

Comedy Hypnosis at Spring Scream on the White Stage at Midnight on Sunday Night, JOIN US!

Spring Scream has posted the “official schedule” and the BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS HYPNOSIS SHOW is set for Day Three on the White Stage! That’s April 3, Sunday, in the evening . . . scheduled for midnight. See http://www.springscream.com for information on Taiwan’s premiere international alternative music festival and the post at http://www.springscream.com/springscream/post/47881 for the schedule.…


When watching anime with scary characters that might pop onto screen at any moment, it’s a good idea to sit away from your monitor . . . Told you. 🙂 My daughter Kaye showed me this last night as she thought it was hilarious as the character that freaks the guy out is supposed to…

She’s Got Elizabeth Taylor Eyes

Most readers are aware that legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor passed away recently. My daughter Kaye will sometimes hear things at school or in the Chinese media that she’s not sure I am aware of so she will share things with me. At school she learned of Taylor’s death and the teacher pointed out that Taylor…