
Walter Reed . . .

Not really all that surprised by this story . . . General Is Fired Over Conditions at Walter Reed . . . conditions have been getting worse and brass have known this . . . only after negative publicity was anything done, and so far that has been cosmetic. Note, there are a lot of…

Kevin Dilmore at Comic-Con

Koolness.  Kevin Dilmore appears at Comic-Con ’06 via Star Trek . . . he was signing copies of his new book.  See the photo here.  Kevin’s a great guy . . . I’ve known him since I was a hobbit.  We were D&D buddies throughout high school and university and we’ve been lifelong friends before…

Embarrasing Orgasms . . .

Talk about a predicament one wouldn’t wish on anyone . . . a woman passed out from the pleasure of a pair of vibrating panties while shopping . . . kinky shopper KOed by vibrating knickers: The following cautionary tale must surely rate in the top five of "most embarrassing things that can happen to…

Face of Tomorrow . . . redux

Here is something that may or may not be of interest to some of you . . . as many of you know, I teach Contemporary Literary Theory and Criticism at the undergraduate and graduate levels at the university . . . and . . . in today’s theory course, the discussion of Liberal Humanism…

Face of Tomorrow

You can’t tell me this isn’t extremely kool and beyond interesting. Well, you could, but you would be so far wrong as to be asounding. Photographer Mike Mike has created a project that looks at trends towards globalization and puts a human face on it . . . specifically, the Face of Tomorrow. Mike, who…