Hypnosis Videos

College Student Demonstrates Blissnosis with Thinking-Off Style Mental Focus No-Touch Orgasm

After seeing a special report on television about mental focus no-touch thinking off style orgasms, a college students decides to give it a go and see if he can have an orgasm himself following a protocol similar to the Blissnosis style methods. As you can see in this video, he demonstrates that a man (or,…

Walkabout Trance style Street Hypnosis in Los Angeles with a blast from the past featuring SMA and a Hypno Statue

As I’ve recently posted and regular readers here know that I’ve been teaching Walkabout Trance style street hypnosis for years. I started doing workshops in Taipei with my local group and eventually expanded to teaching courses that touched the material in various countries throughout the globe. As most here know, our best known series of…

How to have a Tantric Orgasm in Under ONE Minute

Yes, this is real. Chris Bentley (http://www.tantricfilms.com) teaches you how to have a tantric orgasm in under one minute. Note that he uses a visualization method. Think of someone and bring them into yourself while visualizing the experience. Here’s the video. Yes, it really is a genuine experience and a very real method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WcnB3uy7NQ Enjoy…

Walkabout Trance style Street Hypnosis with SMA

Regular readers here know that I’ve been teaching Walkabout Trance style street hypnosis for years. I started doing workshops in Taipei with my local group and eventually expanded to teaching courses that touched the material in various countries throughout the globe. Of course, our best known series of events for this work has been associated…

500 People in 100 Seconds

This is an absolutely brilliant music video that features 500 people holding more than 1,500 developed pictures. The locations are all around Israel, creating a smooth music video within their hands. The music is “Malinkovec Valzer” by Maxmaber Orkestar (http://www.maxmaber.org). First, enjoy the video: Now . . . IF I were going to make a…

Hypnotic Threesome

One of my favorite Japanese erotic hypnotists is Red, seen here working with three women for what is essentially a menage a hypnose or hypnotic threesome. Of course, folks who really want to learn how to do this sort of thing on their own should go to the EROTICATRANCE TWO pages at http://www.walkabouttrance.com/eroticatrance.html and signup…

Master Teacher Visualization Trance Process

The Master Teacher Visualization Trance process is a simple guided imagery method to access an archetype within the unconscious that is manifested as the ideal teacher for a particular skill or subject. In this video, I demonstrates the “Master Teacher” process with a volunteer trance partner as part of a seminar I taught in Mythic…

Super Orgasm lasts Five Solid Minutes

Five minutes may not sound like much time at all but it is if those five minutes are in the throws of orgasm floods, that is climax after climax followed by climax after orgasm after orgasm after climax after orgasm and so on and so on through the entire five minutes . . . and…

Spontaneous Bliss: Exploring Orgasmic Thinking Off

Erica Moonstar of iShakti, explains and demonstrates the technique for Spontaneous Orgasm. You can learn to orgasm and experience bliss in any moment with no physical stimulation. Also called “Thinking Off” – because your Shakti / lkundalini energy and thought is all you need. We’ve discussed and demonstrated this sort of thing on numerous occasions…

Jessica Murphy gets Hypnotized into having a Crush on Tommy on Rock 107

As part of the regular Hypnosis Mondays program with Stevie Sykes on radio station Rock 107, hypnosis with Jessica Murphy as the volunteer trance partner hypnotized to have a crush on Tommy for Rock 107. Want to learn how to do this and other forms of hypnotic work? Go to my main webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com…

Energetic Orgasm

Recently, we’ve seen an example of a Whole Body Energetic Orgasm (https://briandavidphillips.net/2011/07/12/whole-body-energetic-orgasm/) and we’ve had a number of discussions here related to other modes of facilitating Energy Orgasms and more (https://briandavidphillips.net/2011/07/06/oforgasms/) . . . so to continue the theme, here’s a video of Larissa of http://www.sensualawakening.org demonstrating a whole body energy orgasm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziGxgucrKdM Larissa credits…

Can hypnosis help with Child Birth? YES YES and YES!

See http://www.kwch.com/news/kcpq-can-hypnosis-help-with-childbirth-20110629,0,5669569.story for one news story on how hypnobirthing is gaining popularity. Yes, we do offer fertility and hypnobirthing sessions in our practice in Taipei. See http://www.briandavidphillips.com and contact us to set up an appointment. All the best, Brian http://www.briandavidphillips.com

Whole Body Energetic Orgasm

Speaking of Energy Orgasms (https://briandavidphillips.net/2011/07/06/oforgasms/) . . . here’s a video of Dakini Sophie of http://www.dakinisophie.com demonstrating a whole body energy orgasm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mPt-Cgy4kk Sophie credits Andrew Barnes with teaching her the methods while Barnes learned the methods from Shantam Nityama (see my earlier posts such as https://briandavidphillips.net/2011/07/06/oforgasms/ for more). Our own original Sensual Mind Ecstatic…

Is Thinking Off Real? The Mental Stimulation Orgasm and YES It is Very Real

Dr. Jennifer Gunsaullus discusses the mental-stimulation-only orgasm, or Thinking Off, which she learns about from the work of Barbara Carrellas who – as regular readers here know – took concepts from traditional tantra and streamlined their practice for urban lifestyle. Obviously, folks who have read this blog for any time know that I teach similar…