Monthly Archives: May 2018

Brookhaven Experiment Haunted Mansion: Virtual Reality Experience

Head shots are absolutely always your friend. Brookhaven Experiment Haunted Mansion: Virtual Reality Experience! Grab your gun and flashlight . . . and load up on ammunition as we head to the Haunted Mansion . . . where we are gonna kill some monsters. Science has failed . . . again. Interdimensional portals, roaming monsters…

Quick and Easy VR Setup and Play with WMR in a BnB!: Virtual Reality Experience!

Quick and Easy VR! Quick and Easy VR Setup and Play with WMR in a BnB!: Virtual Reality Experience! Brian David Phillips demonstrates just how quick and easy it is to setup and play a Windows Mixed Reality headset for high end virtual reality play in a random BnB or hotel room. Five minutes from…

Bon Chat Café in 360°

In March 2017, we had a pleasant meal at the Bon Chat Café in Hualien,Taiwan. Watch the 360° video and enjoy. This 360° experience was created with a Nikon KeyMission 360° camera. If you are viewing via Youtube or another compatible application, you can use the Google Cardboard or other VR (Virtual Reality) app to…