Monthly Archives: April 2018

Bravo Burger in 360°

On 11 April 2017, we had a pleasant meal at Bravo Burger (發福廚房公館店) in Taipei,Taiwan. Watch the 360° video and enjoy. This 360° experience was created with a Nikon KeyMission 360° camera. If you are viewing via Youtube or another compatible application, you can use the Google Cardboard or other VR (Virtual Reality) app to…

Nightmare Grotto: Virtual Reality Experience!

Monsters, monsters, creepy crawlies! Shoot shoot shooooooot! Nightmare Grotto: Virtual Reality Experience! Grab some weapons and take on a whole slew of creatures and monsters straight from your darkest nightmares in the NIGHTMARE GROTTO experience, a Virtual Reality scifi game for the HTC Vive. Here’s another recording of our in-VR experiences. Join us as Rev.…

Breadfruit Restaurant in 360°

In March 2017, we spent a pleasant afternoon lunch and chat at Breadfruit Restaurant (麵包樹 食在文化) in Hualien, Taiwan. You can check out for or more information about the restaurant. In any case, watch the 360° video and enjoy. This 360° experience was created with a Nikon KeyMission 360° camera. If you are viewing…

Dimension Hunter: Virtual Reality Experience

Dimension Hunter: Virtual Reality Experience! Grab some scifi guns and get ready to hunt some dangerous dimension hopping robots! Here’s another recording of an in-VR experience. Join us as Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips gives DIMENSION HUNTER a go on the HTC Vive . . . in glorious VIRTUAL REALITY! This game is absolutely beautiful…

Ami Dance in 360°

In March 2017, we spent a pleasant afternoon at the Ami Dance performance in Hualien, Taiwan. In any case, watch the 360° video and enjoy. This 360° experience was created with a Nikon KeyMission 360° camera. If you are viewing via Youtube or another compatible application, you can use the Google Cardboard or other VR…