Monthly Archives: June 2018

Primordian Arcade Mode: Virtual Reality Experience

Beautiful and deadly. Stay on the path. Primordian Arcade Mode: Virtual Reality Experience! Step into an alien world, swords in hand, and explore the incredibly beautiful but deadly land. Go ahead and enter the world PRIMORDIAN Arcade Mode, a Virtual Reality game for the HTC Vive. Here’s another recording of our in-VR experiences. Join us…

Primordian: Virtual Reality Experience

Beautiful but deadly. Primordian: Virtual Reality Experience! Step into an alien world, swords in hand, and explore the incredibly beautiful but deadly land. Go ahead and enter the world PRIMORDIAN, a Virtual Reality game for the HTC Vive. Here’s another recording of our in-VR experiences. Join us as Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips gives PRIMORDIAN…

Brookhaven Experiment Guest Hunter: Virtual Reality Experience

Head shots are absolutely always your friend. Brookhaven Experiment Guest Hunter: Virtual Reality Experience! Grab your gun and flashlight . . . and load up on ammunition as we head to the Storm Drain . . . where we are gonna kill some monsters. Science has failed . . . again. Interdimensional portals, roaming monsters…