She’s got Hypnotic Eyes or Of Eye Rolls and Hypnotic Experience

Some folks are naturally more gifted at entering into a deep focused experiential hypnotic trance as hypnotizeability is both an attribute and a skill. Yes, as we practice, we get better but some folks do indeed start off with a bit more of a natural edge. Think of someone like Michael Jordan with a natural gift in that he took to sports more easily than most folks so his skill sets improved more quickly than others who perhaps had to work a bit harder to reach the same levels of excellence.

Well, with hypnosis, there really are some folks who are natural high responders or experientially gifted or as they are more typically called natural somnambules.

One indication of deep trance is fluttering of the eyelids or even a full-on eye roll in which the eyelids flutter back as the balls of the eyes roll back into the head. When my daughter does this, I call it “zombie eyes” as an in-joke. It may seem disconcerting the first time an experienced hypnotist sees this spontaneous action but after awhile you learn to do a fist pump into the air and say “oh yeah!” when it happens as it’s a clear indication that this person is capable of some wonderfully powerful deep trance effects and you’re in for a very positive experience.

In this video, you can very clearly see a hypnotic eye roll in action:

Obviously, she’s enjoying her experience.

Here’s another video that clearly demonstrates the spontaneous nature of the phenomenon:

Here is an absolutely wonderful example of the spontaneous hypnotic eye roll accompanied by very obvious fluttering of the eyelids:

Now, don’t confuse the eye roll in which the eyes partially open without the trance partner’s awareness with the side to side movement of REM or rapid eye movement which is typically dream states or deeply involved visualization. Yes, REM is also a sign of natural deep trance but it is a slightly different animal from the eye roll. Notice how in this video, the young woman’s eyes slip into REM each time she closes her sleepy eyes:

Of course, everyone’s reaction to trance induction is different and while this effect is a clear indicator of natural aptitude, it’s absence in no way means a person’s experience is not powerfully positive. However, it’s presence is usually a very good thing. Very good, indeed.

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Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard


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