Monthly Archives: November 2010

Memories of Camelot

Well, I finally got some photos . . . well video framegrabs . . . of my daughter, Kaye Elizabeth Phillips, performing MEMORIES OF CAMELOT, her original piano composition on 4 June 2010 at Tamkang Senior High School in Tamshui, Taiwan, where she is a student in the music specialty program, majoring in Composition and…

Talk about Depressing

Well, it looks like there just may indeed be a connection between depression and the amount of light when a person is sleeping. Live Science has an interesting piece on studies that show a correlation between light and sleep and depression. See for their piece along with their suggestion to sleep in a dark…

Being Human . . . American Style

Here’s some more new footage of the American version of BEING HUMAN . . . I am looking forward to seeing what else they do with this! I really like the original British version so I have high hopes for the American adaptation, and secret fears of them doing something awful or stupidish . .…

Wandering Minds

So close to half of the people in any group are off inside their minds wandering at any given time. According to a new study (see when the mind wanders, happiness can stray too. Now, if someone’s doing something that makes them feel good you would expect them to have wandering thoughts that are…

Spirituality Hypnosis

Had a worthwhile question today on the Hypnosis Technique eXchange at on the use of hypnosis with spirituality. Our quearant asks, “Guys, Can anyone post, or direct me to, hypnotic processes having to do with spirituality and spiritual awakening? I’m researching this.” That really depends upon what you mean by spirituality and spiritual awakening.…

Katie Waissel turning to Hypnotherapy for Stage Fright

A slew of news, entertainment, and gossip sources are reporting that Katie Waissel, the X-Factor star, is seeking help with hypnotherapy to help her with the stage fright that has been causing her to flub lines and make on-stage mistakes. See for one story on the subject. Evidently, she’s turned to her mentor Cheryl…

Hypnosis or Gastric Band?

In2town has an excellent explanation of gastric band surgery as compared to surgery that seems to come from Claire Hegarty but that’s hard to say for sure as the text is unattributed and Hegarty’s name is not on the adverts on the page that take one to her site. In any case, the article itself…

Woman by Wolfmother

Woman from redkedscom on Vimeo. Just because . . . for some reason, I watched this piece over and over and over and over and over and . . . well, you get the picture. – Brian

DARK KAMELOT Live Action Roleplaying Game for New Year’s Day

DARK KAMELOT An Afternoon of Interactive Drama directed by Brian David Phillips and Lorraine Phillips 1 January 2011, 3:00pm followed immediately by Pot-Luck Dinner/Game Party 6:30pm-ish to whenever folks leave join us for costume roleplay fun in a Dark World of Arthurian Alternate History Weirdness An afternoon of improvisational interactive drama roleplaying games!…

Aleister Crowley 2012

Yes, the folks at Red State Update have accepted a political advert for Aleister Crowley as President of the United States in 2012 . . . if such a bastion of sensible critical thought can accept Crowley’s ad, shouldn’t you vote that way? Or not. BTW, it’s NOT “Do What Thou Wilt” . . .…

Blog Spam and Catchups

Since we made the move from Typepad to my own personal wordpress, we have seen a very strong drop in readership (a lot of folks are still reading the typepad archives without realizing we’ve moved . . . we keep it up for now as a placeholder but it will vanish at the end of…

Entertainment and Speed Hypnosis in Hong Kong

Introduction to ENTERTAINMENT H Y P N O S I S employing SPEED HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES Dual Seminar in Stage Hypnosis & Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Methods in Hypnosis for Entertainment and Secrets of Fast, Faster, Fastest Hypnotic Techniques Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 11-13 February 2011 in Hong Kong Chinese Information English…

Lady Gaga gives herself Mental Orgasms and So Can YOU

Mental Orgasms? Well, Lady Gaga can do it . . . so can you . . . Lady Gaga recently outed herself as one of those few gifted women who can give themselves full blown orgasms just by thinking about them in a special way. Good for her! Regular readers of my blog already know…

American Version of BEING HUMAN

They finally have a trailer out . . . Looks fun . . . not as dark or angsty as the original British series, at least in this short trailer, but looks good and certainly will be more than interesting just to see what the differences might be . . . bear in mind, I…