Satoshi Kanazawa asks If Married Women want Their Mates to Cheat

In his column at Psychology Today, Satoshi Kanazawa asks the question, "Do Married Women Want Their Husbands to Cheat?" (see here) and he comes up with every married woman's dilemma in that they want husbands who are successful and part of being a successful man among humans is the tendency toward polygynous behaviors.  This is in spite of the the overwhelming evidence that it is females, not males, who determine mating (see here for another breakdown on how men tend to do pretty much everything they do in order to get laid).  Interesting reading.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan