Nonconsensual Hypnosis on Television or just poor technique or something else?

Sometimes folks see part of what's happening in one thing and make assumptions about the whole thing, including judgments about an entire field without proper understanding.

Recently, a Korean television program invited some controversy as it appeared that a pop star was hypnotized against his will . . . at least that's the impression the fans have (

One youtube video of the sequence even goes so far as to categorize hypnosis as dangerous and hope that the young pop icon will be okay.

He will be fine as he was never in any "danger" in the first place, although he could have been better taken care of at the get-go.

It looks like the hypnotist took advantage of some audience fallout suggestion (which inherently is consensual) but pushed a bit too hard and fast for the boy to understand what might be happening.

Some folks have some silly ideas about hypnosis and so when they find themselves in a cataleptic state make the assumption that they are under some form of complete mind control and therefore vulnerable.  It looks like the trance context was not fully or properly explained or set for this . . . well, at least for the fans who may be misreading a lot of very simple trance effects.

If it were nonconsensual then the hypnotist did overstep his bounds, although it seems less black and white as something like that as the effects are rather profound and the boy seems consenting, if a bit confused by his experience which should certainly have been framed in a positive light.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan