Confusion Hypnotic Induction

The "Roll the Hands Induction" is a classic variant of a type of hypnotic induction that is very worthwhile for working with analytical types, people who have difficulty shutting off that part of the mind that keeps careful and critical watch over every step of the process.  In this video, I decided to use this particular induction because the trance partner had some nervous energy and did a bit of a handshake thingie at the onset . . . so, I thought it might be fun to do something that uses the same sort of overt movements as a gateway into hypnosis. I enjoy taking cues from the environment as well as context cues from the trance partner in order to creatively interact with the trance partner in an improvisational and playful manner.

The video was filmed on 29 March 2009, during a Mythic Modeling workshop in Keelung, Taiwan.  The induction relies in part upon a person becoming mentally fatigued by the constant shift commands for faster and reverse. The timing is very important as the "sleep" command comes at the moment you see high cognitive confusion – watch for it carefully.

This can be a lot of fun too. Do NOT play the hand roll game for too long though as it can be physically tiring, so if you go too long you will lose the trance partner's interest. Timing is important.

This coming August 15-16, we will be playing with a lot of improvisational inductions at the WALKABOUT TRANCE BEACH RESORT GETAWAY TWO event in Redondo Beach, California.  This is a full course in creative improvisational speed hypnosis and an amazing hypnoparty in its own right.  The course is primarily focused on recreational style street hypnosis but the techniques and principles are actually appropriate for any venue from therapeutic contexts through entertainment through education and recreation.  See for details.

All the best,

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Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!
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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan