Autogenic Training

Long, long ago, in a country far far away, when dinosaurs walked the Earth and I was studying toward my MA degree in Communication and Theatre, I was involved in a program that helped folks with severe Communication Apprehension.  The graduate assistants in the program (I was one of them) would guide the participants through progressive relaxation exercises and then a series of imagery sets as part of a desensitization program.  We would use an autogenic induction procedure.

In the following video, Richard Nongard explains the origins of autogenic training and then guides a woman through the process.

Richard is a good guy and very widely versed in various hypnotic processes.  For those with an interest, he offers certfication in a couple organizations, including the Society of Experiential Trance ( in both live and video classes.

I’ve been interested in hypnosis for pretty much my entire life and read my first few books on the subject in elementary school.  Most of my early experience and skills with hypnosis were self-initiated and self-taught.  It wasn’t until I reached graduate school that I took my first formal course in hypnosis and the autogenic process was one of the very first induction sets that I learned.  Back then it was considered cutting edge, even though it had been around for decades.  Today, it might seem a bit old-fashioned to some but that’s because they don’t see the gem of the process for what it’s worth.  There is gold in those classic techniques that can be mined and refined.

We’re starting a new year so it is worth making a resolution to continue to move forward in our knowledge and skills development and one way to do that is to learn from the lessons of the past, to find out what works and take it further.

Happy Holidays!

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan