The Joys of Generational Doctor Who

Recently, we’ve been megawatching the first two seasons of the new Doctor Who series. It really kicks. Kaye has really been getting into it and Lorraine and I have also found it to be a wonderful watch. Well, Kaye and I were talking about how I have loved Doctor Who forever and that the show began back in 1963 and that rather than two doctors as she’s been experiencing, these guys are actually numbers nine and ten. I told her I used to have a copy of an episode called The Five Doctors where five of the doctors are in the same episode and most of them meet in the same room (Tom Baker only appears in one short clip). She got all excited so after we finished the current sereis (kicks butt), I hunted that one for her and we sat down for a view. Well . . . one thing you notice right off is that the old shows were slllloooooooooooow. I mean really slow paced. The pacing didn’t phase Kaye as she’s just amazed at how the old guy is really the youngest but he keeps calling the others young and how the oldest Doctor is the youngest. Being quite the keen eye, she immediately noticed that the old Daleks look different from the new ones as they are missing a blue light. She also thought the Cybermen in the original show didn’t look nearly as menacing as the new uncanny-producing ones who are all shiny and identical and metalic while the old ones differ in size and shape and basically look like a bunch of guys in loose fitting space suits rather than metal men.

Being the scifi and fantasy aficianado, it’s nice to see Kaye following in the ol’ spacefootprints.

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