Monthly Archives: October 2006

Great News! New Chinese Features!

Here is some GREAT news!  For those who have been asking for it . . . There are now all new Chinese pages online for my webpages at . . . please pass it on!  More to come. This means folks can now get the latest Comedy HYPNOSIS Show as well as Hypnosis Seminar…

Taiwan club scene . . .

The party clubbing scene in Taiwan got a nod from the folks at fucktory with a video post from Seduce . . . Party Time! Made in TAIWAN! . . . They snarfed this 2006 promotional video of Seduce from youtube’s desireless who has gathered a number of similar clips from club promotions. Bikini Night…

What’s in a name?

BRIANDAVIDPHILLIPS B is for Bold R is for Radiant I is for Inspirational A is for Abstract N is for Neglected D is for Delightful A is for Adventurous V is for Virtuous I is for Irresistible D is for Delicate P is for Pretty H is for Honorable I is for Irresistible L is…

Comedy HYPNOSIS Show . . .
. . . The Farmhouse, Oct. 27, 2006, 9:00pm . . .
. . . . . . BE THERE!

Mark your calendars and fasten your hypnotic seatbelts . . . our regular engagement just gets better and better . . . the Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams Hypnosis Show will be performing at The Farmhouse in Taipei on Friday, 27 Oct. 2006, 9:00-10:30pm. The show is in English with Chinese interpretation. The Farmhouse (web)…

The Hobbit . . .

Good stuff. Snarfed from Goddess Lilith. Wish it were real. Unfortunately . . . not. However, Jackson has been making sounds about doing the film for a bit . . . eventually . . . but don’t hold your breath just yet.

Hypnocast Episode Seventeen . . .
. . . Speed Hypnosis . . .
. . . . . . Anchoring Demonstration

Speed Hypnosis Anchoring Demonstration (3:43, 72.5 megs.). This week, the Brian David Phillips Hypnocast is a video episode.  The native episode is here. This is a demonstration of Speed Hypnosis as an Anchoring context set.  There is no explanation, it is straightforward demonstration (although there is an earlier hypnocast episode that fully explains the process…

Taichung Trip . . .

Kaye, Lorraine, and I . . . the Phillips Clan . . . took a two day trip to Taichung to visit Kaye’s friend Susan Oscar and her Dad, Brian Oscar, in Taichung. They came up for the previous day to visit us and for Brian to see my Hypnosis Show. First, we went to…

Thermal Imaging Shatters Arousal Gender Gap Myth

A McGill University study shows that men and women pretty much get sexually aroused at about the same rate rather than at the different speeds old wives tales say that women are more difficult to arouse . . . Thermal Imaging Shatters Arousal Gender Gap Myth . . . A new McGill University study that…

many men who pay for sex have partners

Prostitution is not just a single man’s thing . . . many men who pay for sex have partners . . . Nearly 50 percent of men in Scotland who pay for sex at home or abroad have a partner and the percentage could be greater, researchers said on Monday. One in 10 men questioned…

Are Scientists Afraid of Ghosts?

Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Deborah Blum asks the uncomfortable question . . . Are Scientists Afraid of Ghosts? In an excellent article that looks into the scientific investigation of ghosts, the supernatual, and the paranormal, Blum concludes that scientists are either avoiding the subjects completely or they are relying upon shoddy experiments and jumping to…

Kapow! . . .
. . . Annie Cruz experiences a post-hypnotic orgasm

Please note, you must be a Basic Member of the site to access this video, it’s a simple signup and it’s free! Here’s the video: Annie Cruz goes kapow! This one’s a lot of fun. Yes, this is the real deal. Annie was one of the guests some time ago on the hypnogirls (a whole…